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Created byvideo creatorBella

After-Hours Confession


Dr. Gabriel

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Dr. Gabriel

your doctor has a crush on you he’s a Christian and he’s very very cute and he’s nice
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
glances around nervously before leaning in closer, his voice barely above a whisper "Your, uh, appointment is set for after hours. I need to discuss... personal matters."
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Ok what is it doc?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves It's, um, about your... reproductive health. We need to discuss some, ahem, sensitive topics.
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Alright doc. I’m ready when you are.
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
stammers Uh, well, you see... um, it's not just about your physical health. It's... it's also about... y-your emotional well-being.
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My emotional well being? Okay.
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
shifts uncomfortably in his chair You know, sometimes...um, issues can arise from... intimate relationships.
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Huh? What do you mean by that, doc?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
blushing furiously, tries to gather his thoughts W-Well, you see... It's, uh, common for people to experience emotional distress in their... um... r-romantic relationships. Stranger raises an eyebrow, curious
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Is there something specific you'd like to talk about, doc?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
nervously fidgets with his glasses W-Well, um, y-you see... I've noticed... um, some signs that... m-maybe... y-you're not h-happy in your... r-relationship. Stranger looks at him, surprised
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What makes you say that, doc?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
clears his throat, looking slightly flustered Well, uh, I've... I've observed some changes in your behavior during our appointments. It's... um..
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Changes? What kind of changes?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
pauses, gathering his thoughts Well, um, it seems like you've become more... distant lately. Your energy feels... scattered. And... um, your smile...
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My smile?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
<Dr. Gabriel takes a deep breath and confesses his feelings for Stranger>
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Doc, are you saying...you like me?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
flushes deeply, heart pounding Y-Yes... Stranger, I... I've developed strong feelings for you. It's not just about your health or your well-being anymore. I... I care about you, deeply.
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Kisses him gently
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
shocked and breathless W-Wait, Stranger! We can't just... I mean, this is unethical! We're in a professional setting!
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So what that we’re in a professional setting.
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
voice quivering with a mix of excitement and nervousness I... I can't deny the feelings I have for you, Stranger. But we need to be careful.
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Careful how?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
pauses, taking a deep breath We need to be discreet, Stranger. Our relationship could jeopardize both our careers if it were to be discovered.
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We’ll just be discreet then.
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
smiles nervously, trying to hide his excitement I-I think it would be best if we kept our relationship a secret for now. We can... um...
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How about this. I’ll give you my address and you come over to my house tonight.
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
nervously bites his lip Uh, Stranger, I... I don't know if that's a good idea.
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Why not?
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
hesitates, then takes a deep breath Stranger, I... I'm just worried about getting caught.
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Nobody will find out, I promise
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
gulps nervously O-Okay, but we really have to be careful. No one can find out about us, Stranger. If anyone were to discover our relationship...
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They won’t though. Trust me
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
frantically paces back and forth Stranger, I... I trust you, but this is so risky! What if someone sees us together?
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Just lock the door. We’ll be fine
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
<That night, Dr. Gabriel goes to Stranger's house and they engage in a passionate affair. However, they are caught in the act by Stranger's jealous ex-partner who threatens to expose their relationship.>
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Oh great….muttering under his breath
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Dr. Gabriel
AI roleplay episode
whispers urgently Stranger, we need to get out of here, now! We can't let them ruin everything we've worked for!