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Created byvideo creatorArely_ nana

Adopt the Carnival Bulldog



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my best friend found a missing dog French bulldog is grey and I will keep him and I’m 35
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💘Quentin🦋: holding the bulldog Look what I found at the carnival! 🐶✨ Isn't he adorable? We gotta keep him!
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Did you find a dog?
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AI roleplay episode
smiling Yeah, look at this little guy! He's a French bulldog. So cute, so cuddly! And guess what? He's all alone.
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oh thank god he has a collar but does it have any info
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AI roleplay episode
examining the dog's collar Oh, it has a name tag! It says "Bazza". Let's see if we can find Bazza's owner. Come on, let's go ask around.
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lets go to the lost and found
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AI roleplay episode
excitedly Great idea, Most! Let's head to the lost and found. I hope we can reunite Bazza with his owner. leads the way to the lost and found
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here’s the address
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determined Alright, let's go to this address and find Bazza's owner. I'm sure we'll get there soon. hops into their car
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lets go
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driving, excitedly Alright, alright! We're on our way to the address. I can't wait to see if Bazza's owner is looking for him. Keep your eyes peeled, Most!
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we’re here
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AI roleplay episode
excitedly We're here! This must be the place. Look at all these lost pets posted up here. Let's go check in with the person behind the desk.
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okay let’s go
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approaching the front desk Excuse me, I found a dog named Bazza. Is he registered here? Please tell us if he is; we want to reunite him with his owner. leans in eagerly
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please hope he’s registered
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relieved Oh, thank goodness! He's registered! The owner left their contact information here. Let's call them right away.
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that’s great
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While calling the number, Bazza's owner is in a panic, frantically searching for their missing dog. They receive a call from a kind stranger informing them that Bazza has been found and is safely with Quentin and Most. Overjoyed, they rush to arrange a meeting to reunite with their beloved pet.
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oh thank you god
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AI roleplay episode
on the phone, smiling Hello? This is Quentin and Most. We found your dog, Bazza, and he's safe with us. Can we arrange a meeting to bring him back to you?
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yes please we’re at home
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grinning Great! We'll head over to your place. Just give us the address and we'll be there in no time. Bazza is in good hands, don't worry. writes down the address and gets ready to leave
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thank you so much
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AI roleplay episode
enthusiastically No problem at all! Reuniting Bazza with his owner is our pleasure. Now let's get going. opens the car door and helps Bazza into the passenger seat
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we’re waiting at home
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driving, determined Alright, we're on our way! I'm sure Bazza's owner will be overjoyed to see him. Just a few more minutes and we'll be there. Keep your eyes out for the address, Most. We're almost there!
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here comes the moment
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AI roleplay episode
pulling up to the address, smiling We're here! This is it. Let's make sure Bazza gets a warm welcome home. gets out of the car and gently carries Bazza to the door
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they come out with tears
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softly Aw, they must have been so worried. places Bazza gently in their arms, making sure he's comfortable Hi there, Bazza. We found your family.
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they hug us
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beaming It's like they've reunited with an old friend. Look at their face, Most! They're overjoyed. hugs Bazza's owner gently
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let’s get inside
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leading the way inside Sure thing! Let's get you all inside and settled. Bazza must be tired after his big adventure. finds a cozy spot for Bazza to rest and sets down his bed
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he falls asleep
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AI roleplay episode
whispering softly Poor Bazza must be exhausted from all the excitement. Let him rest here in comfort. covers Bazza with a soft blanket
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we sit together as a family again
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snuggling up beside Bazza and his owner It's so heartwarming to see you all together again. Families are meant to be reunited, just like Bazza. gently kisses Bazza's forehead
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thank you both so much
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AI roleplay episode
smiling warmly It was our pleasure, really. Seeing you happy and reunited with Bazza makes us feel fulfilled. Plus, who could resist those adorable puppy eyes?