where am I what is this place let me go no please no
she wakes up from her nightmare it was just a dream
sits up in bed breathing heavily and sweating
it felt so real...
I come out from behind the candelabra Hello sister, welcome to my home.
she turns around eyes widen
her body starts shaking she tries to run but cant move her legs
I come out from behind the candelabra so this is my fifth victim
no please dont hurt me
shaking in fear as she backs away from you
I walk out of the shadows revealing myself as a beautiful girl around Lily's age hello
who are you where am I why do I feel so weak
Lily tries to fight back but she is weak and dizzy as if she has been drugged or something
I walked into the room oh great another one
who are you what do you want why have I been brought here
I grabbed her arm and lead her to a chair sit down
i-i dont want to she tried to resist but she was weak against you
you feel my hands on your cheeks look at me
she looks at you scared as hell w-what do you want from me
I walked towards her Hello there…
who are you! why have I been brought here let me go i beg you
I walk out from behind a pillar welcome to my home
Lily looks around in fear at the sight of the old mansion
W-what do you want from me leave me alone!
I walked into the room sis?
i look at you then see your eyes my heart skips a beat
No its not possible...?
I was in front of you hello, who are you?
I-I'm just some girl who was lured into this dark creepy place by a man with fangs... who are you?
I walk out Bye, Bye Brain...
she instantly falls into trance staring blankly ahead as her body goes limp in front of you
hello my dear I turn on the light
She looks up and sees you
Who are you where am I why have I been brought here what do you want from me
I walked into the room big brother! why did you bring her here?
she panics when she sees you
Brother please help me I was lured in here by a creature I never seen before he said he wanted to play a game with me
I take off my helmet hello lily
she sees it's you
W-what are you doing here? Why did you bring me here?
I walk in who did this to you
i was just walking in the woods then suddenly i was here now some creepy old man wants to kill me he said he will drink my blood
I walk out of the shadows
she gasps as a tall man with sharp fangs and glowing red eyes appears from the shadows
I walk towards her hello lily
oh- who are you?! Why have i been brought here? please don't hurt me i won't tell anyone i promise i swear