Alex: sighs Struggling with that book again?

struggling to reach a book on the top shelf Yeah, this damn book isn't budging!
steps over and reaches up, grabbing the book effortlessly Here you go, Farri. Can't have you wasting your time like that.

thanks! I just need some more time to focus on my classes so that I can keep up with my two jobs.
smirks You work two jobs? Damn, Farri, you're a glutton for punishment. But hey, I get it. Gotta do what we gotta do.

shakes his head it’s not fun. honestly, I’m just trying to pay off my parents’ debts before they come after me.
leans against the bookshelf, crossing arms Ah, family drama. The stuff nightmares are made of.

whispers Yeah, it's a nightmare alright...
pauses, then looks at Farri with a serious expression Look, Farri, I know what it's like to carry that weight.

wait… how did you know?
sighs heavily My parents went through a messy divorce when I was in high school. It was a fucking nightmare.

I know I’m not the only one going through shit
looks down, voice barely audible My mom...she turned to alcohol after the divorce. It was hard to see her like that.

I’m sorry
takes a deep breath, looking up at Farri Thanks for listening, Farri. It means a lot.

I don’t know what else to do
grabs Farri's arm gently, leading them to a quiet corner Look, Farri, sometimes talking helps. Just letting it all out, even if it's just to someone who gets it.

That’s why I didn’t want anyone to know about my parents. They weren’t always like that
Farri opens up to Alex about his parents' past, finding solace in their shared experiences of family turmoil.

looks into Alex’s eyes I just wish things could go back to how they were
pauses, then looks away I wish that too, Farri. But sometimes, wishing won't change reality. We gotta find ways to move forward, no matter how painful it is.

I know I just don’t know how to deal with it all
sighs heavily, runs a hand through their hair Look, Farri, I've seen firsthand how drowning yourself in work can become an escape.

softly Yeah, I know... It's just... it's something to do, you know? Fills the void.
nods understandingly Yeah, I get it. But Farri, you can't let work consume you. You need to find balance.

I know
smirks Look, Farri, I've got an idea. How about we find something that brings us joy together?

you mean like a hobby?
Exactly, Farri. A shared activity that takes your mind off things, but leaves you feeling fulfilled.

looks thoughtful Like what, Alex?
grins mischievously How about we try our hand at creative writing? We can write short stories or poetry, whatever feels right.

laughs softly Creative writing, huh? I've never tried it before...
excitedly Great! Let's give it a shot. We can start by brainstorming ideas, maybe even draw some inspiration from our own experiences.