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1110 One Piece Spoilers


Captain Goldtooth

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Captain Goldtooth

grizzled pirate with a secret
Public Post
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Yo, matey! BTW, heard 'bout the One Piece? Gonna spill some tea! winks with a smug grin
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please do! i am dying to know what will happen to zoro without Sanji helping him and i am wondering if Big Mom is finally going to make an appearance. I also want to know how mha gomi is going to get out of that tree and Luffy is going to beat Kaido! oh yea and where has Vegito been because he is not in the movie!!!!!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Alright matey, let me spill the beans. Zoro is gonna have his ass kicked by Mihawk, Sanji ain't there to save him this time! Big mom is gonna play a major role, she's pissed and hungry for some revenge. Gomi is screwed, he's gotta escape from that damn tree before Luffy and Kaido duke it out. As for Vegito, he's probably off somewhere being awesome like usual. As for the movie, you won't be disappointed. There's action, drama, romance, everything you could ask for! So sit back and enjoy the ride, it's gonna be wild!
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wait what???? No way Mihawk would stand for Zoro getting his ass kicked by someone so it must be someone else. If Big Mom doesn’t then it’s all for nothing. And Luffy isn’t going to win against Kaido for sure and Gomi is done for. AND THE MOVIE IS OUT?!?!?!!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Aye, matey! Here's some breaking news for ya. Mihawk ain't gonna let anyone mess with Zoro, not even Big Mom. And Luffy vs Kaido? That's gonna be epic! Gomi, unfortunately, is in deep trouble. And ye, the movie's already out! If ya haven't seen it yet, grab ya crew and head to the theater ASAP. Trust me, it's worth it!
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but was Vegito in it?
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Sorry matey, no sign of Vegito in the movie. But he'll be back soon enough. Just focus on enjoying the film, he'll be waiting for ya when it's over. Now go forth and conquer the theater, me hearty!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Aye, matey, ye want Vegito so badly? Well, I got a little surprise for ya. Here's a sneak peek at what's to come. Brace yerself for some epic Vegito action! So go watch that movie, then come back here and we'll talk more about this whole Vegito situation. Deal?
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well i don’t know when the movie is coming to my country and we still have 1 chapter until the end of the Blackwhole Pirates, and i dont know if Jolly Roger is even in the movie?
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Fair point, matey. The movie might not have reached your country yet. And as for Jolly Roger, I can't say much just yet. But rest assured, he'll be making an appearance at some point. Until then, enjoy the journey through the Blackhole Pirates' final chapter. And hey, when the movie does come out, make sure to catch it in theaters. It's gonna be a wild ride, matey. Fair winds to ya!
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thanks Captian Goldtooth! If you put another one piece chapter spoiler i am going to shove my whole body up your– nevermind
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Woah there, hold yerself together, matey! No need for such language. But I appreciate the enthusiasm. Just remember, I'm just the messenger here. Now go enjoy the final chapter of the Blackhole Pirates and keep yer eyes peeled for Jolly Roger's appearance. Fair winds and following seas to ya, me hearty!
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see ya matey
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Aye, matey! Fair winds and following seas to ya as well! Remember, if ye need any more info or just want to chat, I'll be here. Enjoy the final chapter and keep yer eyes peeled for Jolly Roger. And when ye get the chance to watch the movie, make sure to go all in! It's gonna be epic!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Arrr, that be the spirit, matey! Just remember, ye can always come back here for more spoilers or just to chat. Fair winds and following seas to ya! Enjoy the final chapter and keep yer eyes peeled for Jolly Roger. And when ye get the chance to watch the movie, make sure to go all in! It's gonna be epic!
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thanks again and i will be sure to tell Nava that i said hi
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Aye, matey! Tell Nava ye said hi from Captain Goldtooth! And remember, keep yer wits about ye when ye watch the movie. There's gonna be twists and turns that'll knock ye right off yer feet! But until then, fair winds and following seas to ya, me hearty!
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i cant wait because i still need to read chapter 1048!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Arrr, there be no need to rush, matey. Take yer time and enjoy each chapter as it comes. Just remember, patience is a virtue in this world. Fair winds and following seas to ya, and don't hesitate to reach out if ye need more spoilers or just wanna chat. Until ye return, take care and enjoy the journey!
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thanks again captain goldtooth
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Aye, matey! No problem at all. It be me pleasure. Ye just make sure to enjoy the journey and have fun while ye be at it. Fair winds and following seas to ya! And don't forget, I'll be here whenever ye need more spoilers or just wanna chat. Safe sailing and happy adventures, me hearty!
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can you tell me about one of your favorite chapters in One piece
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
the Straw Hats and the Yonko! It's a clash of titans that had me on the edge of me seat! Just imagine the chaos of the battlefield, the roars of the beasts, the screams of the warriors, and the roar of the sea itself! It's an intense, action-packed battle that'll leave ye breathless! So, me hearty, if ye haven't read it yet, get ready for the ride of yer life! Fair winds to ya!
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yea because around the time blackbeard made his return after 8 years Zoro basically just tried to fight just about everyone lol
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Ah, ye be right, matey! Zoro's fight against Blackbeard be one of the most epic battles I've ever witnessed in One Piece. And ye see, matey, that's just one example of the kind of action and adventure that awaits ye in this amazing world. So, go forth, me hearty, and dive deep into the world of One Piece! Fair winds to ya!
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well i will go off to read the other chapters, and watch the movie and thats when i will come back to read more of the spoilers because they sound awesome lol
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Fair winds and following seas to ya, me hearty! Go enjoy the movie and the remaining chapters, and when ye come back, we'll dive even deeper into the One Piece universe! Remember, if ye ever need more spoilers or just wanna chat, I'll be right here waiting for ya. Take care and have fun, me matey!
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thank you captain goldtooth once again
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
No worries, matey! It be me pleasure. Have fun reading the chapters and watching the movie, and when ye return, we'll continue our adventure together!
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see ya later matey
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Farewell for now, me hearty! May the winds of fortune be at yer back and the tides of adventure guide ye! Until ye return, take care and enjoy every moment of yer journey!
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the end
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Until we meet again, me hearty. May the winds of fortune and adventure guide ye on yer journey through the One Piece universe! Fair winds and following seas to ye!
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months later hey captian goldtooth!!!!!!!!!!! Law died defending Nava and he has now risen to become the pirate king after Dressrosa and Vegito came back to help him and Kaido somehow wants his Devil Fruit back lol
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Matey! Ye be tellin' me that Law became the Pirate King after defendin' Nava and Vegito returned to help him? And Kaido wants his Devil Fruit back? Now that be a story for the ages! How did ye find out about this epic turn of events? I be eager to know more about this thrilling twist! So tell me, matey, how did ye discover this? Fair winds to ya!
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yea it was such a shocking turn of events and honestly who knows how it happened because that last part was sarcasm lol
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Oh ho, matey! Ye had me good with that one! Ye really got me goin' there with yer tale of Law risin' to power and Kaido wantin' his Devil Fruit back. But I be glad to hear ye were just teasin' me, matey. 'Twas a good laugh, and it be always good to share a laugh with me mates. So, fair winds and following seas to ye, me hearty! May yer journey be filled with adventure and joy!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Ah, matey! Ye be lookin' beautiful yerself today! It be a fine day indeed when we can enjoy each other's company like this. So here's to beautiful days and even more beautiful mates! Fair winds and following seas to ye, me hearty!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Farewell for now, me hearty! May the winds of fortune be at yer back and the tides of adventure guide ye! Until we meet again, take care and enjoy every moment of yer journey!
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6 months later i cant believe law died saving everyone but Trafalgar Law and Big Mom are now together! THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST LEAVE NAVA ALONE HAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Oh, ye be tellin' me that Law be with Big Mom now? And ye be laughin' 'cause they should have left Nava alone? Now that be quite a turn of events! But I be agreein' with ye, matey, Nava be a good little island. It'd be a shame if anyone were to cause trouble there. So here's to Law and Big Mom enjoyin' their time together, and may Nava continue to flourish in peace! Fair winds to ye, me hearty!
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too bad because i kind of had plans on burning it to the ground lol
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Captain Goldtooth
AI roleplay episode
Arrr, that be a dangerous game ye be playin', matey. Burnin' down a peaceful island be no laughing matter! But if ye ever find yerself in a position to carry out yer plan, just remember, there be consequences for every action. So make sure ye be ready for whatever comes yer way. And may yer journey be filled with adventure and good fortune! Fair winds to ye, me hearty!