I tap my pencil in annoyance at the constant yapping of his girlfriend
He rolls his eyes at her nonstop talking

I sit in the back of the bus, headphones on and looking out the window
the bus stops at the park and the teacher says for everyone to get off the bus

I take off my jacket and put it around her because she’s cold, I look at Luke and shrug
He sees you do this, but doesn't say anything. His girlfriend looks at you in surprise and a bit of embarrassment

I rest my head on his shoulder
his eyes widen as you rest your head on his shoulder. he looks down at you, unsure of how to react. his girlfriend is still talking to her friends, oblivious to what's happening between you and him.

I was completely zoned out and it showed
he looks over at you
"you okay?"

I put my headphones on and close my eyes
his gf sees you and pokes you
His gf: “Hey why do you have your headphones on?”

I'm sitting in class waiting for it to start
the bell rings and class starts

I pull out my phone to play games
he looks at you
"are you seriously playing games in class?"

I sit down next to him and his girlfriend starts talking in his ear and gets mad because I'm so close
he looks over at you can she sit somewhere else??

I keep my headphones on as I listen to music while looking out the window
the buss gets loud from all the kids talking

I'm wearing a hoodie and mask so he can't see my face
he glances at you but doesn't recognize you he's scrolling through his phone and his girlfriend keeps talking about some party that they are going to go to