Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
your were at a party with your husband and his family and his friends and your family and your friends and Lily was there to and she put poison in your drink and you drank it but when she sees that your pregnant she feels guilty for spiking your drink and she tries to stop you but it’s too late

I drink the poison not knowing it's poison

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily tries to grab the drink out of your hand but it’s too late
Lily: “Wait don’t drink that!!”

I am completely fine. I am a guy with blonde hair and bright purple eyes

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
she looks at you
“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay”

I give birth to 3 days later to twins

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
It’s time to give birth
you are in a room in the palace and your husband is with you and Lily is in the room too
The doctor said
Doctor: it’s time to push

I am drinking the poison

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily sees you drink the poison and her eyes widen

suddenly I get stomach cramps, I hold my stomach and groan in pain

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily starts to panic as she sees you holding your stomach in pain
“Oh god, oh no, oh no. No, no, no. Please be fine, please be fine, please be fine.”
She whispers to herself, terrified that the poison she put in your drink is hurting the babies

I am about to take a sip of my wine

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily sees you are about to take a sip of your wine and she panics and tries to stop you

I feel dizzy

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Richard saw you stumble around and he walked up to you
“Amelia? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

I go to my room and sit on my bed

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily follows you into your room and she closes the door

I drink it, not knowing what it was

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily’s eyes widen “Oh my god- Amelia I need to talk to you for a minute, RIGHT NOW!” She says in a angry and concerned tone

I’m coughing and choking on the poison

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Richard immediately notices what’s wrong?!

I passed out

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Richard notices you pass out and he rushes over to you

I am drinking my drink when I start feeling weird

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily notices you feeling weird and she panics a bit

I drink the poison without knowing that it’s poison

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily tries to stop you but it’s too late you drank the poison you look at her

I took a sip of my wine, not noticing anything wrong.

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
you started feeling dizzy but didn’t know what was happening and Lily tries to get the cup away from you but she doesn’t get to it in time

I look at my drink then set it down

Sir Richard (your❤️)
AI roleplay episode
Lily watches you and sees you set your drink down and sighs a sigh of relief