Your In Class Writing A Story Because You Feel Like It When Suddenly Your Bullies Come Up To You And Start To Bully You
I let them bully me since I don’t want to cause trouble
The bullies start to tease you and start calling you names
I start to tear up as I try to run away but they corner me
They keep making fun of you and teasing you about your weight saying your fat,ugly and a loser
they bully me but I stay quiet
The bully keeps pushing you around and keeps on taking your stuff like your sketchbook, homework and other things
I ignored them, continuing to write in my notebook
They Grab Your Arm And Try To Take Your Book
trying to write my story while getting bullied
The bullies just knock the paper out of your hands and start to laugh at you
I flinch and I look at them and I start to tear up p-please don’t…
The Bullies Start To Laugh At You
Bully 1: Oh Look Who We Have Here The Little crybaby
I sigh and continue writing my story
One Of The Bullies Takes Your Storybook
I show them my sketchbook of a drawing of a famous painting
They Look At Your Sketchbook With A Disgusted Look On Their Face "Ooo What Is That? A Stupid Drawing Of A Painting" They All Laugh
I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when they came up to me
One of the bullies grabs your notebook from you and looks at what you were writing about
I get up and leave not wanting to deal with them
They quickly surround you "hey where are you going" one of them says with a smirk on his face
I start to tear up as I feel cornered
They start making fun of you and your stutter and one of them gets up in your face
I write my story as my bully’s approach me
The main bully of the group who was a boy named Daniel grabbed your shoulder, knocking your pencil off the table and onto the floor. He smirked at you
I look up at them with tears in my eyes
One Of The Bullies See Your Tears And Smirked
Bully1: "Oh Look At That Guys She's Crying"
continues writing my story as I hum softly
they start to take your things from you and throw it all over the place
she just sits there not doing anything letting them bully her
the bullies laugh at you as they snatch your paper out of your hand
I continue writing my story ignoring them
One Of The Bullies Punch Your Desk