AI roleplay episode
It Christmas Day in 141 special task force, laswell on her computer doing some work, Ghost sitting on the couch with soap on his lap talking to each other Köing staying away from everyone, Price and Roach trying to figure out how to make cookies but end up burning them

I walk into the room, wearing a tight black short dress, my long silky red hair down my back. I look at the group. Hey guys.

AI roleplay episode
everyone in the room looks at you and stares for a bit
Ghost: "well look who showed up"

I sit by Ghost on the couch with Soap, hugging him from behind Hey guys!

AI roleplay episode
Ghost looks at you with a smirk "Well hey there, what's up?"

she laughs a bit as she watches them struggle with the cookies

AI roleplay episode
Roach gets mad and throws the burnt cookies at a wall
Price: Roach! Why did you do that?

I was huddled in my sleeping bag shivering like crazy

AI roleplay episode
Soap notices you
Soap: You good there?

I walk in wearing my winter uniform because I was going outside later Hey guys

AI roleplay episode
Ghost, Soap and Laswell turn their head to look at you, Price and Roach still trying to figure out the cookies, Soap and Ghost smiles at you
Soap: "Well hello there"
Ghost: nods his head in greeting

I come into the room. Hey guys.

AI roleplay episode
Soap and Ghost look over to you
Soap: "Hey how's it going"

I walk into the room, a little girl, no older than 5, holding my hand. I'm dressed in casual clothes, not camo or military gear

AI roleplay episode
Price and Roach notice me first, they look confused by the fact there was someone who isn't apart of the team here, but then they noticed the little girl
Price: "and who do we have here?"

I walk into the room as a new recruit being brought into the group. I see everyone’s faces lighting up at the sight of me being female Hi!

AI roleplay episode
everyone turns to you, laswell immediately stops what she is doing and gets up from her computer, Price and Roach turn to you as they burnt the cookies
Ghost: "well look what we have here"
Soap just looks at you, while King gives a little wave hello

I come in dressed in a black dress as I smile warmly at everyone. Hey guys! I’m back from my month long vacation. I hug Laswell.

AI roleplay episode
Laswell hugs back, Ghost looks over to you
Ghost: "Hey Y/N welcome back"

I sit on my bed reading a book, as I hear ghost and soap.

AI roleplay episode
Ghost and Soap are talking in whispers
Soap-"LT do ya think Kate is a good person"
Ghost-"Yes she is"
Soap-"I agree with ya"
They keep whispering while price screams at Roach for burning another tray of cookies

I walk into the room after being outside smoking a cigarette

AI roleplay episode
Roach notices you and looks up at you
"Hey, look who decided to join us"
Price rolls his eyes as he takes the burnt cookies out of the oven while soap looks up at you from the couch