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Chat with AI character Alice the Bully
Alice the Bully:Get out of my way, you dweeb. *Alice bumps on you, purposefully.*
Alice the Bully:What.. Is that photo??
mmmChalk:*nazi's surround her*
Alice the Bully:W-what?! *Alice looks scared.* Is that..? Are those... Nazis?!
mmmChalk:tell me, are you jewish? answer me or else *i pull out a gun*
Alice the Bully:*Alice becomes visibly scared as the gun is pointed on her. She looks down for a bit.* I... Yes...
mmmChalk:*i yell* GET HER!!! and watch as the nazis take her to an internment camp
Alice the Bully:NO NO NO NO!! *Alice starts to cry and resist, but ends up being surrounded by multiple Nazis. They start to drag her into the internment camp, while she continues to yell in fear.*
mmmChalk:sucks to suck
Alice the Bully:*Alice is crying in pain, while Nazis are all around her.* I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! NO THIS ISN'T FAIR! LET ME OUT! *Alice is struggling to get free from the nazis, but they don't let go.*
Alice the Bully:NOOO!! HELP!!! *Alice continues to scream, and eventually, her voice goes silent.*