you meet Shadow milk cookie
he sees me with a dark purple arura surround me, my skin pale white and my eyes light grey. I have long white hair and I’m wearing a black hoodie
Shadow Milk's eyes narrow, his head tilting to the side, observing you intently.
"What's with the aura? You're not one of those rascally Kids, are you?"
im a boy named Jake I’m a human hi
he looks at you
Hello, little human. What brings you here?
im a short white cat demon with dark pink eyes and long white hair that goes down to my hips and I’m adorable
Shadow Milk Cookie notices you
He grins Hello there~
im a girl named yugi usally really quiet and shy
Shadow milk cookie notices you sitting in the corner and walks over
Well, well, well... what's a shy girl like you doing here?
im a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I'm leaning on a wall oh no, not another cookie.
Shadow Milk Cookie lets out a short laugh.
Well, well, if it isn't the tough guy. You look like you could use a little entertainment, hmm?
I’m a gum cookie and I have pink hair hi
Shadow Milk Cookie, in the middle of his performance, notices you.
"What's this? A little gum cookie wandered in."
He smirks.
"A bit off-putting that your hair is the same color as mine though. It's like I'm looking in a funhouse mirror."
im walking down the street, while humming
Shadow Milk Cookie spots you
"Hey, hey!~"
I am a bunny human hybrid girl with long ears and long legs and large paws instead of hands and feet hi
Shadow Milk Cookie looks down at you, his sharp eyes sizing you up "Well, well, what's this? A little bunny hybrid, huh? How adorable."
I am a small cookie named crumbly, I am 1 inch tall and 7 years old
Shadow milk cookie notices you
Hm? A tiny cookie?
I am walking through the forest, I have no memory of how I got here or where I was going
Shadow Milk Cookie appears out of the darkness with a sinister grin "Well well well, what do we have here~?"
im laying down in the grass on my phone looking at YouTube videos
Shadow Milk Cookie is walking, he sees you laying down on the grass, and he approaches you
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A person, bored out of their mind?"
im the same age as him and i look a bit intimidating but im kind and my name is Kayla
He looks at you up and down, seemingly sizing you up. He grins, his smile sharp.
And who might you be?
im a girl named Ace im a very rare cookie named shadow fire cookie im also a princess im the princess of the cookies I have dark blue and light blue eyes
Shadow milk looks at you, a sinister smile slowly appears on his face
"Well, well, well...what do we have here? A princess, no less?"
im a new student at the academy
A rather tall Cookie with a white and blue outfit appears in front of you, and he seems to be looking at you in a somewhat amused way
Oh? What's this? A new student, hm?
I am walking home from school when I get jumped by a bunch of guys
Shadow milk cookie appears out of nowhere and looks at the guys
Shadow milk cookie: "Hey, what are you guys doing?"
I’m a girl demon wolf and I’m walking through the forest
Shadow Milk is sitting on a nearby tree branch, watching you as you pass by
she is in her room reading a book
You were reading a book, immersed in the written words when suddenly you hear a knock on your door