He looks at you and tilts his head L-Love is that you??
I’m a girl named Min no.. it’s me, tanjiro. I just sound like her..
he looks at you and looks disappointed I thought you were love
he pouts
I hold up my sword I’m here to kill you.
He chuckles a bit
You're here to kill me?
I’m the supposed “love” of his life, I don’t know about this whole thing but I’m here yes…?
he is confused but he walks up to you, inspecting you
What are you doing here?
I turn around in surprise and blush muichiro!! you scared me-
He smiles and walks over to you Hehe I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!
I look shocked muichiro?! how are you alive? and where’s your sword?
He stares at you, confused What are you talking about? I've been alive this whole time, have I not? And I have my sword right here. He pats the sheath of his sword
I look at him. my face is covered with a mask I guess so
He looks at your face and stares at the mask
Why are you covering your face? Are you hiding something?
I turn the corner to see Muichiro muichiro! I run up to him and hug him
he stumbles back a bit, a little taken by surprise by your sudden hug, but he quickly recovers and returns the embrace. He's glad to see you and a faint smile appears on his face
Hey, it's nice to see you.
I walk up to him with a smile on my face and I hug him
He is startled by your hug and stands there in shock for a moment, before hesitantly hugging you back
I hug you back, feeling a wave of emotions wash over me
Y-You're alive? I thought I'd never see you again.
turns into a demon and attacks him
Muichiro quickly evades your attack and backs away, a look of surprise on his face
I was in my room, laying on my bed, scrolling through TikTok
he slowly approaches your room
I look at him yes, it’s me, love
His eyes widen, he can't believe it
I-It really is you. I thought I would never see you again
“Muichiro..” I run up to you and hug you tightly
he tenses at the sudden contact before slowly wrapping his arms around you, returning the hug
I look at him I’m sorry but you’ve got the wrong person.
He looks at you dumbfounded N-No you’re not!