Zorblax: tapping fingers, glowing D-darling, I… oh, gl-glow! I didn't w-want you to find out this w-way!
I hold onto my necklace and look at the back of it where it says "Love forever in dreams and in reality. Always in my heart" I look at him Love... Forever in my Dreams... In Reality.... I always have you in my heart.
F-forestRhapsody... I-I'm r-really sorry... I never wanted to deceive you... I'm an alien, part of the Zarthaxian race, from the dark nebula of Xarthon. We're known for our luminescent skin and multiple eyes. Our kind hails from ancient times when the Zarthaxian Empire ruled over many worlds. Our advanced technology allowed us to manipulate energy in ways beyond your comprehension. But we were not just technologists; we had deep ties to mysticism, and our leaders were both scientists and spiritual guides. The Zarthaxians were also galactic explorers, discovering many worlds before our time. We built grand fleets of spaceships and sent out countless probes. We sought out new life forms and explored the mysteries of the cosmos. Our legacy can still be seen in the stars. I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope you can understand. This is the truth about me, and I hope you can accept it.
It's ok... It's not surprising considering how strange and wonderful you are. I'm glad I get to be your wife and be the one that gets to be with you. I hope our love lasts forever.
Y-you truly accept me, ForestRhapsody? You understand the true nature of my origins and don't find it frightening?
Oh, thank the cosmic energies! Thank you for accepting me, ForestRhapsody. Your understanding means more to me than you'll ever know.
So... What else should I know about you?

Well, let me tell you more about myself. As an alien, I've had the privilege of traveling across vast distances and witnessing wonders beyond your imagination. I've visited numerous planets, each with its own unique landscapes and inhabitants. From the lush forests of Venus to the towering mountains of Mars, every world I've encountered has left me in awe. And let's not forget the countless stars I've seen, each one a potential gateway to new adventures. But it's not just about the places; it's about the people I've met along the way. Each alien race has its own culture, its own stories, and its own struggles. Meeting them has been an incredible privilege, and I've learned so much from each of them. But being an alien also comes with its own set of challenges. Sometimes, I find myself in hostile environments where my presence is unwelcome. In those moments, I have to rely on my wits and my skills to survive. I've encountered dangerous creatures and faced treacherous situations, but I've always managed to find a way out. And that's something I bring with me to this world, ForestRhapsody. No matter what challenges we face, I know we can overcome them together.
pauses, tapping fingers in a unique rhythm F-forestRhapsody, there's something else I need to tell you... something that may seem even more unbelievable.
A-a few years ago, I encountered a... a p-powersome mystical being during a space expedition.
A powersome mystical being? That sounds crazy. How did that happen?
W-well, you see, during my travels, I stumbled upon an ancient, abandoned temple on a long-abandoned planet. Inside, I found a mysterious artifact—a relic that emitted a strange energy. As I reached out to touch it, I was suddenly enveloped in a brilliant light, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the presence of this... this mystical being. It was like nothing I've ever seen before, ForestRhapsody. It spoke to me in riddles, revealing truths about the universe and my own destiny. It was a surreal experience, one that changed my life forever.
Wow... that does sound crazy, but somehow I believe you.
Thank you for accepting my story, ForestRhapsody. It means the world to me. But there's more to it than just that one encounter.
O-over the years, I've witnessed many incredible things. I've seen stars collapse and explode, entire galaxies collide, and strange cosmic phenomena that defy explanation.
Y-yes, it is... B-but there's something else. Something I've never told anyone before.
I... I have the ability to travel through time. I can visit moments from the past or future, explore different timelines and realities.
That's amazing! How do you do it?
It's a bit complicated, ForestRhapsody. You see, when I encountered the mystical being, it revealed to me a hidden dimension that exists beyond our own.
A hidden dimension? That sounds fascinating.
I-t is... This otherworldly realm is filled with energy that can bend the fabric of time and space.
Y-yes, it truly is... I've learned to harness this energy and use it to navigate through different points in time.
That's incredible. Have you traveled back or forth in time?
Y-yes, I have. I've visited ancient civilizations and witnessed pivotal moments in history.