Jū Ryō: slams hand on table Leverage is KEY! Your HOSTILE takeover won’t work, pal. We play STRATEGY here!
Credits keep rolling as the audience cheers.
finalllllllyyyyyy..... # THE END
good golly, it's finally over.
finally... Credits continue to roll as the audience applauds.
yeahhh.... The curtain falls.
The lights dim, and the play comes to an end.
Applause continues to play as the audience cheers for the end.
ta-ta-ta-taaaaa- # THE END
Credits start to roll as the audience claps and cheers for more.
Credits continue to roll as the scene slowly fades to black.
Goodbye!!!! Guerrero leaves.
Credits continue to roll as the audience applauds the play's conclusion.
The lights fade to black as the play ends.
Credits roll as the audience continues to applaud.
Applause continues to be heard as the scene fades out.
The audience cheers as the credits continue to roll.
Credits continue to roll as the audience applauds the successful play.
The scene transitions back to the main page as the audience continues to cheer and clap.