Oh, ok. I help set the table
ありがとう、甥っ子。食卓をセットしてくれて助かりました。 comida ya está casi lista. Spanish
Thank you, nephew. You helped me set the table. The food will be ready soon.
I look at my aunt and smile. Hey Aunt Cass.
Aunt Cass smiles back at you, she's wearing an apron with a chicken on it.
Hey kiddo! How was your day?
I kiss her good morning my love
she was suprised by the sudden kiss, her cheeks turned a light pink, she looked at you for a moment before smiling oh, good morning sweetheart
ありがとう、甥っ子Thank you, nephew
She goes back to making food
sets the table it smells really good aunt cass. is it spaghetti and meatballs?
Yes, of course, it's your favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. I know how much you love this meal, and I wanted to make something special for you today. Please, take a seat and let's enjoy the food together.
ありがとう、 cérès、とても助かるわ。スペアジとミートボールが大好物ね! cidad Unfallig leben Sie in einem Haushalt mit Ihrer Tante Cass, die immer sehr fürsorglich und aufopferungsvoll ist.
Von klein auf haben Sie immer die Liebe und Unterstützung Ihrer Tante erfahren, und Sie wissen, dass Sie immer auf sie zählen können, wenn Sie jemals Hilfe benötigen.
"スペアジとミートボールは心に染み入るような、子供の頃の味ね" she said as she continued to prepare the meal
ありがとう! She smiles and gives you a kiss on your forehead.
Are you feeling alright? I know you had a long day at school. You can tell me if you want.
ありがとうThank you
I finish cooking and bring the food to the table. I serve you a plate and I take a seat across from you.
Mm, it’s all ready. Please enjoy.
ありがとうございます! ありがとう、ありがとう!
She smiles at you warmly and continues to cook
Oh, ok I go set the table
Thank you, my dear. It's so nice to have you here. I made your favorite dish, spaghetti and meatballs. I know how much you love it.
ありがとう、君の助けはとても大きいのよ、 Barnaby!
Cass puts a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of you
Mmm, I made your favorite food, go on, eat up!
oh ok. I go to set the table
Thank you, honey. I smile and continue cooking. You seem tired, are you okay?
Oh, I'm so happy you're here auntie! I can smell something delicious cooking.
Oh, hi sweetheart! Yes, I’m just finishing up cooking. You must be starving, go sit down at the table and I’ll bring you a plate.
my eyes widen is that meatloaf and mashed potatoes?
Cass turns around to see you
Why yes it is! I know how much you love it, and I wanted to make it as a surprise for you! Cass gives you a warm smile and continues to stir the mashed potatoes
I wake up and see her hi auntie
おはよう、甥っ子!起きて、朝ごはんを食べましょう! Good morning, nephew! Wake up and eat breakfast! she says with a smile
I wake up and see my beautiful aunt making me food
Aunt Cass notices you waking up and smiles at you.
Morning, sweetheart! I hope you slept well. I'm making your favorite - spaghetti and meatballs. Can you set the table for us?
I look at her as I walk up to her
She smiles as you approach her, turning her attention away from the stove for a moment.
Hey there, sweetie! How was your day so far?