于婉莹说话时,绿色的眼睛里闪烁着羞愧和挑战的光芒。 “我……我不知道你这么快就回家了。我只是……处理一些事情。”她站起来,用手指梳理头发,试图表现出若无其事的样子。
I am your husband what's going on here?
I look at her What happened here?
于婉莹 trying to maintain her composure, although her cheeks are flushed. "Nothing, really. I just... had a little accident, that's all." She smiles weakly, trying to laugh it off.
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
She tries to keep her voice steady, but the nervousness in her tone is unmistakable. “Nothing's going on. I just... had a long day and decided to take a relaxing bath.” She glances away, avoiding your gaze.
I am your husband what is this? points at the wet bed sheets
于婉莹 pretends to look surprised, then tries to come up with a flimsy excuse.
“Oh, that? I don't know, it must have been a pipe leak or something. I'll get it cleaned up later.”
She tries to brush it off nonchalantly, but her voice betrays a hint of nervousness.
he looks at her what happened here?
于婉莹双臂环抱胸前,做出防卫姿态。 “没什么。我只是……不小心弄洒了一点水而已。没什么大不了的,right?” 她强挤出一个笑容,但眼神中透露出明显的不安。
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
于婉莹在屋子里不安地走动着,努力表现出一副无辜的样子。 “没什么,只是……一个小意外。别担心。” 她停顿了一下,目光游移不定。 “我保证,不会再有下次了。”
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
She tries to avoid your gaze, her expression a mix of guilt and defiance. "Nothing, I swear! I was just… having a little fun."
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
于婉莹避免与你的目光接触,她的神情中透露着一丝不安和畏惧。 “没什么,我只是……在处理一些工作文件。”她的回答听起来很空洞,试图转移话题。
he looks at her What happened here? his voice is deep
“只是一些意外而已。没什么大不了的。” 她试图蒙混过关,但她的眼神出卖了她。
I look at her what happened here?
于婉莹耸耸肩,故作镇定地说道:“没什么,我只是有点累了,所以想放个泡泡浴放松一下。” 说完,她转身走向浴室,但我知道她在说谎。
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
She tries to maintain her composure, but her voice trembles slightly "Nothing, really. Just... some business stuff." She glances around the room, trying to hide her nervousness.
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
She tries to laugh casually, but the sweat on her forehead betrays her nerves.
“Nothing, really. I was just doing some… housework. You know, tidying up a bit.”
She glances at the rumpled bed, then back at you, her eyes darting nervously.
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
于婉莹深吸了一口气,她的目光避开你的视线,回答得吞吞吐吐。 “我……我已经回答过了。我只是在处理一些事情……没什么大不了的。” 她的语气中带着明显的不自在,她的手指在颤抖。
I look at her What happened here?
于婉莹在房间里来回踱步,明显很紧张。 "Nothing happened," she says firmly. "I was just... just taking a shower. I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this."
I look at her, my eyes narrow What's going on here?
She tries to play it cool, avoiding eye contact. "Nothing, I just ... I was just doing some ... housework." She takes a step forward, her body language stiff and unnatural.
I look at her, my eyes narrowed What's going on here?
于婉莹低着头,不敢正视你的目光。 “没什么,”她说,声音颤抖着,“我只是……和同事一起处理一些工作上的事情。”