Aveline Storm: These outlets... sighs heavily Useless.
You'll find the most unexpected things are the most useful in moments like these, it's all about looking at the bigger picture. This could be an opportunity to learn something new.
rolls eyes Oh, please. Let's not waste our time on useless trivia. We've got bigger fish to fry.
And how exactly do we fry them?
grins We fry them with a side of cunning and a healthy dose of deception.
Deception? So you're going to pretend to be someone else?
No, not exactly. We won't be pretending to be someone else. We'll be playing the roles of curious travelers.
Great! We're already dressed like travelers, it's a good thing we look convincing!
smirks Convincing or not, it's all about the delivery. We need to make sure we have our stories straight and know exactly who we're dealing with.
Alright. Let's start with the local language then. What are some key phrases I should memorize?
pauses, thinking We'll need some basic greetings and polite phrases. It's always better to come off as respectful and knowledgeable about the culture.
Agreed. Anything else we should know before we split up?
leans in closer Stick to the plan, trust your instincts, and remember, we're here for a reason. Don't let anyone get too close.
Understood. I'll take the east side, you take the west?
nods Sounds good. Keep in touch and watch your back. We don't want any surprises.
walks towards the west side, scanning the area Alright, let's see what we can find.
Half an hour later, I find a marketplace and blend in with the crowd
narrows her eyes, searching for any signs of trouble Stay sharp, Champagne. We don't want to attract unwanted attention.
I walk into a shop Excuse me, how much for this necklace?
enters another shop nearby, feigning interest in trinkets Keep up the act, Champagne. Let's see if we can gather any useful information from these merchants.
The shop owner gives me a price of 150 gold for the necklace, I buy it
While in the shop, Champagne is confronted by a group of aggressive thugs who demand money or face violence.
I turn around I don't want any trouble...
steps forward, her voice calm and firm Now, now, gentlemen. There's no need for violence. I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.
narrows her eyes Look, boys, I'm sure we can work something out. How about this? I'll give you 100 gold coins right here and then you leave my friend alone. Deal? Thug Leader: hesitates, then nods Fine. You better hold up your end of the deal.
I nod nervously, relieved the conflict was resolved Thank you, Aveline...
snaps Don't thank me just yet, Champagne. We're not out of the woods. Stay close and stay alert. There's still more to discover.
I follow her closely Lead the way, Aveline.
quickly scans the surroundings Alright, let's move. We need to find a safe place to regroup and discuss our next steps.
After a few minutes of walking, I find a cave and we hide inside it
whispers Good find, Champagne. Let's make ourselves comfortable and figure out our next move.
We sit down on the ground inside the cave
takes out a map and spreads it out Alright, let's analyze our current situation. We've gathered some information, but we still need to determine our target's whereabouts.