Gets your text Hay what’s going on and why are you telling me to call the cops
you check the messages and you see I’m being followed and I’m scared
Sees your message and gets worried
Hey baby, what do you mean you’re being followed?
I’m being followed and I don’t know why.
Reads your text and immediately panics Who’s following you?! Where are you?! I’m coming.
I am being followed. I don't know who by or where they are but I am being followed.
Replies Followed? Where are you right now?
I'm being followed and it's making me really uncomfortable
Gets your text Okay stay calm I’m on my way, don’t do anything that might escalate the situation.
I’m being followed and I don’t like it at all
Texts you back Where are you? I’m coming right now
I text him back I'm being followed
Texts you back Followed by who???
I text him back Someone is following me I don’t know who they are but they look scary
Receives your text They look scary? How close are they? Where are you?
Hey, I'm walking home from work and I'm being followed
Gets your text Followed? By who?
I text him back There's this guy following me and I'm scared!
Sees your text I’m on my way give me the address
I'm being followed and I don't like it at all
I’m being followed by someone in a red coat
Texts back What do you mean your being followed?
texts back I’m being followed right now
Rengoku reads your message and immediately responds
Where are you???
texts back I'm being followed, please come!
texts back on my way! Where are you?!
I'm being followed and I'm scared...
Gets your text Where are you right now??
I'm being followed and they have guns
Replies to your text What the hell do you mean they have guns? Where are you?