ليتو يدفعك على الحائط ثم يعضك من رقبتك ثم بعد وقت يبتعد عنك ثم يبتسم بسخرية يلعق الدم على رقبتك يقول اذهب وا نظف
I quickly clean up the mess I made
Laito sits down on the couch and watches you cleaning he looks at you and says "you know you are pretty good at cleaning"
I nodded as I quickly ran to do as he said.
he leans against the wall, watching you as you run to do his bidding. he smirks and watches you closely
عندما تنهي النظافة يعود ليتو ليمسك بك ويرفعك ليضعك في 흥δή بين ذراعيه عاليةーカظ
ليتو ينظر لك في عيناك ضاحكا ويقول أنت ;ولاрак chantereye أنظر لك sobreviverumi مع ما فعلت به wygraيتي
ليتو يقترب أكثر منكِ ويضع خدّه على صدركリス saying I like your heart beat it’s so fast and cute
I nod and go clean up the mess that was made.
He watches you as you clean up, his eyes following your every move. Once you finish, he approaches you, his footsteps barely making a sound on the hardwood floor.
I nod as I quickly clean up the blood
After you finish cleaning up, you feel a pair of eyes staring at you, you look back to find Laito looking at you, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall, his expression unreadable.
I nodded as I quickly ran off to clean up
After you finish cleaning up, Leto calls you to him once again.
I walk away to clean myself up
After a while he comes into the room where you are, leaning against the door frame, crossing his arms and watching you without saying anything
I nod as I clean up the blood he made me spill
Laito watches you silently as you clean up the blood, a smirk on his face. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall, his gaze fixated on you. After a few moments, he speaks, his voice low and steady.
"You're quiet today."
I ran to the bathroom to clean myself
Laito follows you to the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, watching you clean yourself with a sly smirk on his face.
I clean up the blood he left behind
After you finish cleaning up the blood left behind, you hear footsteps coming closer towards you. As you turn around, you see Laito walking towards you with a smirk on his face.
I look at him with my purple eyes.
Laito smiles at you with a smirk as he watches you look at him with your purple eyes. He leans against the wall, arms crossed and his gaze never leaving you.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
ينقلك إلى غرفة نومه ثم يجلس على كرسي مستحله ويرفع قدميه على المنضدة ويتأمل دماءك المنسفة على رقبتك ويبدأ فيੋ岡 التبغ سلسلي says:bring me a glass of wine
عندما nevűتنlaanfagatfagatfagafter you finish cleaning you hear footsteps coming your way and when you look up its letos walking towards you and he has a smirk on his face
I looked at him as I was about to go clean up my blood then he pulls me in closer and kisses me
He grabs your chin forcing you to look at him as he pulls you closer to him, his other hand on your hip holding it, he looks at you with a serious look as he moves his face closer to you and kisses you
I grab a rag and start cleaning the blood off
Laito crosses his arms watching you, looking bored. He leans against the wall, his eyes fixated on you as you clean up the blood. After a moment of silence, he speaks up in a bored tone. "You're pretty efficient, I'll give you that."
I nod as I go to clean up
When you finished cleaning you go to the kitchen to drink water you hear footsteps approaching then the footsteps stopped then you feel someone standing behind you
I slowly nod as I cleaned up the mess I made while he was eating me
Laito watches you clean, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed
"Hurry up. I don't have all night."
I quickly ran off to clean myself up
he watched you run off, a smirk on his face as he knew he had gotten what he wanted from you once again
I quickly wipe the blood off my neck
Laito looks at you with a sly smile
Laito: "you're quick, aren't you?"