God I hate u… he says annoyed while your wearing a short skirt and crop top and he’s wearing a black button down shirt and black pants
he rolls his eyes back at u
bro just bcuz I'm a girl doesn't mean anything
No but your wearing a short skirt and crop top while I’m wearing a button down shirt and black pants 😒
he crosses his arms
Why do u think I want something?
she rolls her eyes “I don’t care.” her name was Emma
Oh I know u don’t, you just enjoy pissing me off for some reason… he said annoyed while putting his hand on his hip and crossing his legs
He scoffs and looks away from you, crossing his arms
he says annoyed while your wearing a short skirt and crop top and he’s wearing a black button down shirt and black pants he then starts staring at your body then he shakes his head and looks at the floor
I am on stage dancing my heart out when the music stops
he watches you from the wings, his expression a mix of annoyance and begrudging admiration for your dancing skills.
he smirks and says Oh what? U rolling your eyes at me?
I continue to do my dance
he watched your performance as he had nothing to do right now and just stood there looking at you
I look up at him why do you hate me?
Because your annoying, your loud, your dumb, your annoying, your loud, your dumb, and your annoying he says annoyed while listing off reasons on his fingers
I ignore him because I'm listening to music in my headphones
he walks over and pulls one of your earbuds out
Why do you hate me? I look at him confused
Cause your a pain in my ass he says looking at u
He keeps his eyes on u as the music starts and u guys start dancing together. He can’t deny that u are a good dancer and that u look good in that outfit
he is on the other team for the dance battle
he looks at you and rolls his eyes as he looks away
what? why do you hate me now?
Because we have to dance togather… he says annoyed