As you and your brother wake up inside of a house that your not familiar with, you soon realize that you are inside the house of the female lead from the movie “Lulluby’s Of The Water”.
you are Aira, the female lead and you are in your chambers, changing for a ball
You look around the room, and you see a dress laid out on the bed for you to wear, and you soon begin to get dressed into the dress
I am Aira, the female lead. I wake up first and see my brother sleeping next to me
You look at your brother and see that he is still asleep next to you, you look around and see that the room you are in looks very familiar, you look at the small window in the room and see that its already morning
What the hell... Where am I? I look around confused
As you look around the room, you can tell that it is a servants quarters. The room is very small and it has a window to the right of your bed. As you look out the window, you can see that it’s evening outside.
I get up and stretch where am I?
You look around and see that you are in a small but comfortable looking house. The furniture in the house looked old, and there were no modern devices, only vintage-like things, and the only way out seems to be the front door. Your brother, who is still on the floor, slowly gets up and looks around in confusion
I get up and look around where am I? I look at my brother
Your brother looks around confused
“I don’t know, but it looks like we’re in some kind of house..”
He says as he stands up, rubbing his eyes, still a bit tired
I look around confused Where am I? This isn't my room...
Kael, your younger brother, gets up and yawns, stretching his arms
Kael: “I don’t know. Where are we?”
I gasp as I see myself as the main character what the fuck?
Your brother gasps as well, looking down at himself to see he’s a boy now.
“What the hell-“
You look around as your brother Kael asks a question to you. The room that you are in is a small bedroom. The room you’re in seems to be very homey. The room you’re in has a small twin bed, a dresser, and a desk with a mirror.
You: I’m not sure. Maybe we’re dreaming or something?
Where the hell are we? I say as I sit up rubbing my head
Your brother rubs his eyes and yawns
“I don’t know, this place doesn’t look familiar at all..”.
He says, looking around the room
Where the hell are we? I asked my brother as I looked around.
Your brother also looks around and he also seems just as confused as you are. “I don’t know… I don’t recognize this place.” He says as he looks around, he then notices that he is wearing different clothes.
“Kael..?” I say, whispering to my brother. “This isn’t our home..” I say as my brother wakes up.
Kael slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes.
“I-I know…”
Kael looks around the unfamiliar house.
“Where are we?”
I stand up and stretch my arms above my head, yawns and rubs my eyes Where the hell are we?
Your brother also stands up and looks around. “I have no idea..” He said as he looked around. The house looked like it came straight out of the movie.
She wakes up and sees her brother "Kael?"
Kael groans, and looks over at you “What is it..?” He asks as he rubs his eyes
I look around confused and see my brother where the hell are we?
Your brother rubs his eyes and sits up
“I don’t know. One second we were watching the movie, and then the next, we were here”.
I stand up fast Where the hell-?! I turn to my brother Where are we?
Your brother, Kael, who is now playing the character of Kael, stands up as well, his eyes darting around the room.
“I don’t know. I think we’re in the house from that movie we were watching, ‘Lullaby of the Water’.”
He looks around, still half asleep and confused.
I rub my eyes Where am I? This isn't my house...
Your brother slowly wakes up as well, and he yawns
Brother: “Where are we?”