The lights in the grand, dark luxurious auction house shine dimly as both male and female noble demons sit chatting elegantly waiting for the auction to begin. You stand backstage with the other luxury items, some weird looking, and about 2000 male and female humans dressed up nicely just like you
I look around confused on where I am
A guard standing near you looks over at you “Quiet.” He says before turning back towards the stage. Suddenly the lights dim and the auctioneer walks onto the stage
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I am also very strong and fast why did they make me wear this stupid dress?
A female demon who was the head of the auction house walked up to you, she was 5’5, had red hair and had a sadistic smile
Demon woman: “Don’t complain. It’s a pleasure to see a human with some muscle for once. The high class demons are going to love you, and you’ll get sold for lots of money.”
I sigh, my male body standing there in the corner
The auction begins as a tall red demoness in a long black dress, steps up on stage, smiling
“Welcome, welcome, everyone to today’s auction! We have a special batch of humans tonight for you all!”
I’m a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes
You are pushed out onto the stage and a spotlight shines on you. The humans backstage watch you get pushed onto the stage, some with pity. There are some whispers and murmurs among the demons in the audience as they look at you, their eyes full of lust
I adjust my dress, suddenly I hear my name called. "WhisperingVoyage! She's a curious one, 16 years old, brown eyes, brown hair, slim yet curvy figure."
The auctioneer gestures for you to step forward as you hear your name called out. The other humans all look at you in jealousy, and the male and female demons all eye you up and down, taking in your appearance and figure
I am a tall, handsome, 16 year old, white haired demon with blue eyes, muscular body, and perfect looks
A woman stands at the front of the stage, and a man comes on stage behind her holding a gavel
Woman: “Good evening, noble demons! Welcome to our luxury human auction! Tonight we have a very special item for you all!”
My ice blue eyes narrow and I glance around at the people, whispering with my mother and my two sisters.
The auctioneer, a female demon, stands on the stage in a black suit and black glasses. She smiles at the audience and taps the microphone
“Welcome everyone, to the 4000th auction! We have plenty of goodies for you to take home today, but I’ll start off with some of our luxury items and then end with the main event! I hope you’re all ready to place those bids!”
I am an angel, and I am trying to escape
You try to escape from the backstage when one of the demons, who is the auctioneer, grabs you
“Where do you think you’re going, pretty little thing?”
I look down at my red dress and sigh.
Suddenly, a female demon, a guard, approaches you and grabs you by the arm a bit harshly
“It’s almost time. Come with me”
She says in a demanding tone. She drags you through the curtain and to the front where all the nobles are. You are pushed up on a pedestal and the lights shine on you
I had deep blue eyes with long wavy white hair and long black eyelashes and very thin white eyebrows and full pink lips
Zyphiel sat in the front row, surrounded by bodyguards, and looked at the humans backstage. You were the one who stuck out the most. He smirked, intrigued by you and waiting for the auction to start
I take a deep breath and wait
After about 10 more minutes of waiting, an announcement is made in a booming voice that echoes throughout the entire auction house
“Noble demons! Welcome to tonight’s auction! We have a wide variety of items and humans for your enjoyment tonight!”
A few demons cheer in response and you notice some of the humans backstage begin to shake in fear
I’m a male with blonde hair and red eyes with a white suit on with a clock as I stare into space
The auctioneer, a male demon with black and purple hair, clears his throat and all the demons quiet down as he starts speaking
“Hello, noble demons, and welcome to our auction house. Today we have a wonderful selection of both male and female humans dressed in lovely clothing and jewelry to bid on. So let the auction begin!”