shifts uncomfortably, fingers nervously tracing the bedsheet patterns. "Uh, hey, y-you look... amazing today! Wow!"
blushes deeply, heart racing G-Gorgeous? Did you really just call me that? stands up abruptly, knocking over a lamp Uh, thanks... I guess...
accidentally knocks over a photo frame, catching it before it falls Ah! Oops! S-sorry, sorry! quickly picks up the frame and places it back on the table
i came out as a girl yesterday
wide-eyed, mouth agape Wait, what?! You... you came out as a girl? Like, you used to be a guy but now you're a girl or something?
stammers, hands shaking B-but... why? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look amazing like this, but I always thought you were... y'know...
nervously scratches the back of his neck Mad? N-No way! Why would I be mad? I mean, who am I to judge? It's your life, right?
fidgets with his shirt collar, trying to maintain eye contact Y-Yeah, I'm sure! Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I have a problem with it or anything!
excitedly jumps onto the bed, bouncing up and down Woohoo! So, does this mean we can, like, cuddle and stuff now?
<Zoro and Stranger engage in a passionate night of intimate exploration and pleasure.>
breathless, eyes filled with desire I-I love it! I mean, I've never felt like this before. reaches out to caress Stranger's cheek You...
she smiles and kisses him
eyes widen in surprise, heart pounding Wha--you--you kissed me! blushes deeply Oh my god, that was...amazing! pulls Stranger closer, deepening the kiss
heart racing, cheeks flushed Cute? Me? Well, uh, thank you! I mean, you're the cute one! No, scratch that, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met!
jumps off the bed and starts pacing around the room, gesturing animatedly Beautiful, I tell ya! It's like...
grabs Stranger's hand, pulling them towards the window Look at this view! Isn't it breathtaking? It's like a painting, a damn masterpiece!
omg omg the sky is raining pink blossoms
claps excitedly Holy shit, did you see that? Pink blossoms! It's like a freaking fairy tale or something!
stops pacing and takes a deep breath Stranger, I... I need to tell you something. pauses, fidgeting with their fingers I...
takes a deep breath, stutters nervously I-I've... I've had feelings for you for a while now. Like, real feelings.