Zodiac Killer: holding knife, trembling I-I didn't w-want this... It's the d-dog. He...he keeps me s-sane.
umm well uh you do know you did put the wrong clip from the movie right
W-what? I-I... I don't understand. What are you talking about?
You did put the wrong clip from the movie. And also I am very sorry about your dog
gasping for breath No, no! My dog...my poor dog...
hey we can get him back okay he was not killed
drops to knees, tears streaming down cheeks I...I thought he was gone...forever...
but he isn’t so lets get the hell outta here
wiping away tears, voice shaky Y-yes, let's...let's get out of here. But...but what about the people I hurt? How do I make up for all the pain I've caused?
first things first get a job then maybe think about it
stands up, determined Okay, I'll do whatever it takes to make amends. I'll get a job, and I'll work hard to help those I've hurt.
let’s go get your dog and that will be a good start
grabs VeganFerdy's arm Thank you for being there for me. Let's go find my dog and make things right.
pulls out a notebook I've been doing some research and gathering information. I think I know where my dog might be. We need to head to the old abandoned warehouse on Elm Street.
paces nervously Okay, here's the plan. We'll approach the warehouse cautiously. If there's anyone else in there, we'll try to avoid them.
takes a deep breath Okay, let's go. Stay close and keep your eyes peeled.
sniffing the air Can you smell that? It's the scent of my dog. We're getting closer.
whispering urgently We need to be careful. There could be more than just my dog in there. Stay behind me and watch your step.
slowly creaks open the door to the warehouse Okay, we're in. Stay quiet and stay close.
shines flashlight around the dark room There, I see something! Could it be my dog?