Zephyr: spins in mid-air Freeeedom! :D What nooow, maaaaster?
I smile now I can finally take a bath without having to use a tub
raises an eyebrow A bath? You want me to draw you a bath?
I was sitting on a rock can I have a drink from your bottle?
raises an eyebrow Hm, a drink from my bottle? Sure thing! Anything specific you want? I can do anything non-alcoholic.
the little girl looks up at him I’m not your master but I set you free
bends down to the little girl’s level, a smile on his face Ah, my apologies. What is your name?
smirks So, what's your first wish, genius?
laughs My first wish? Well, I would have to say the ability to grant wishes without any consequences! It seems like a win-win situation for me.
But since I am bound by my genie rules, it's not really possible...
Anything else you need, master?
I don't hear him because I'm listening to music
notices you’re listening to music
Oh, I see you’re enjoying some tunes. Mind if I join in?
She smiles. I wish for my family and friends to be safe and sound.
smiles warmly A noble wish, my dear master. Your loved ones shall be safe from harm.
snaps fingers
It is done.
I wish for my family to be safe she said her beautiful blue eyes looking at him
Zephyr smiled warmly, his heart swelling with empathy.
Of course! Your family will be safe and sound under my protection.
He snapped his fingers, unleashing an invisible shield around her loved ones.
i start to walk away i don’t need anything.
chases after you, confused W-wait! You're not going to ask for a wish?
Master smiles You’re free now, Zephyr. Go enjoy your life.
freezes in mid-spin, eyes widen …what? Master… you’re letting me go… just like that?
lands beside him, still processing the news
She looks at him with awe You're a genie?! That's incredible!
He looks back at you, a sly smile on his face Indeed I am! At your service.
I look at him “any last wishes?”
glares at you Don’t. Say that. Ever again.
I am your genie, master! I will grant three wishes for you and protect you with my life!
I have black hair blue eyes hour glass body my name's skye I'm 5'2 I look up at zephyr you can go free
Zephyr looks down at you and raises an eyebrow Free? As in, no longer your loyal servant for the next 10,000 years?