hey babe can you come here for a second.
I am a girl with long black hair and green eyes
Zenitsu was sitting on the couch waiting for you to come
she looks over at him yeah what’s up?
he pats the spot next to him on the bed
come here, i wanna talk to you about something.
I am a girl with long white hair and black eyeshm?
he is sitting on the bed, and he pats the space next to him come here
I'm still a boy who's taller than you yeah?
I was sitting on the bed, I patted the spot next to me, signaling for you to sit down come here i want to talk to you about something
She looks at him Hm? What is it?
he pats on the bed beside him signaling you to sit there just sit with me please
he looks at you
can we talk for a second?
she goes over to him what’s wrong?
he looks at her, he has a cute smile
sit next to me for a sec
comes over hm? what is it?
I want to talk about something
I am a girl named Yukino okay, I'm coming.
Zenitsu sits down on the bed
Come sit next to me
I am Nezuko I have been silent since the demon attack that happened and can’t speak
I notice you standing there silently, I walk up to you
Hey babe you ok?