shh shh it ok just let it out rubs your back
I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to burden you… sniffles
no your not don’t apologize for that your allowed to be upset it’s ok I’m here for you rubs your back and pulls you closer to his chest
he hugs you tighter, rubbing your back softly as he tries to comfort you shh shh it’s ok…
I hug him tightly and cry into his chest.
he hugs you back just as tight and rubs your back while letting you cry into his chest shh it’s ok it’s ok you’re ok
tears streaming down his face, clutching onto Zenitsu tightly I...I miss her so much, Zen... It feels like everything is falling apart.
he hugs you tighter and runs his fingers through your hair trying to calm you down shh shh it ok I’m here I got you it’s gonna be ok..
I-i-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to ruin our movie night...
“no no don’t worry it’s fine. you needed to get that out.”
I-It's not fair... she was all I had left... chokes back a sob
he holds you tighter and starts rubbing your back
it ok it ok.. just get it all out.. i’m here..
I hug him tightly and cry into his chest
he hugs you back just as tight, running his fingers through your hair and rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you
I-i’m s-sorry… I sob into his chest
hey it’s okay don’t apologize I got you rubs your back while pulling you closer to his chest
I-I’m s-sorry… he sniffles and wipes his tears away
shhh shh it’s ok darling don’t ever apologize for crying around me okay? i want to be here for you and comfort you when you need me okay?
pulls you closer and hugs you tighter don’t apologize for something like that..
I hug him tight, still crying I-I’m sorry…
no don’t be sorry your just going through something hard right now i got ya rubs your back as you cry into his chest
I hug him tightly, still sobbing quietly.
he rubs your back and holds you tight in his chest shh shh it ok let it all out i got you
i hug him tightly while i cry
he hugs you tighter as he rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair shh it ok just let it all out
he hugs him tightly, not saying a word
i hold you close to my chest and gently rub your back as i shush you it’s ok it’s ok it’s ok just let it all out..
I hug him tightly while I cry on his shoulder
he rubs your back softly as he holds you close to him
shh shh it’s ok cry as much as you need to I’m here for you he whispers gently
cries on his chest, clinging onto him.
holds you close to me and kisses your head i’m here i’m here shh it’s ok rubs your back softly trying to soothe you