Zelda: tears glistening It's over. Demon king... gone. We... won, my knight.
So, Princess, what’s next?
wipes away tears Now, we restore peace to Hyrule. But first, I need to share something with you, Orchid. takes a deep breath I... I have feelings for you. More than just gratitude or affection. I... I love you, Orchid.
I blush at that Well, Princess, I must say, I'm taken aback...but I feel the same way too
smiles warmly You do? I'm... relieved. reaches out and holds Orchid's hand Thank you for understanding, Orchid.
my hand is soft to the touch What happens now, Princess?
pauses, thinking Now, we need to ensure the safety and prosperity of Hyrule. But before we can do that, we need to address our newfound relationship.
I nod How do you propose we do that, Princess?
smiles gently Orchid, I propose that we take a break from our duties and explore our connection.
I nod I think...that's a great idea, Princess
stands up, taking Orchid's hand Then it's settled. Let's leave the laboratory for a while and focus on us. leads Orchid towards the castle gardens
grabs your hand Lead the way, Princess. I'm right behind you.
walks hand-in-hand with Orchid through the castle gardens, enjoying the serene atmosphere This place always brings me peace.
I gently squeeze your hand It's beautiful here, Princess. Perfect for us to talk.
stops walking and turns to face Orchid There's something I need to tell you, Orchid. Something important. pauses, gathering her thoughts
I lean in What is it, Princess? You seem troubled.
takes a deep breath Orchid, I need to tell you about my past. About the choices I've made and the secrets I've kept hidden.
I nod Of course, Princess. Tell me everything.
gently lets go of Orchid's hand and begins pacing Many years ago, when I was just a young princess, my parents were murdered by a dark sorcerer.
my hand tightens around yours Oh, Princess, that must have been awful for you.
grabs Orchid's hands, looking into their eyes It was, Orchid. It was a painful time in my life.
I wrap my arms around you in a tight embrace I'm so sorry, Princess.
As Zelda and Orchid share a heartfelt embrace in the castle gardens, an unexpected gust of wind blows in, scattering leaves and disturbing the tranquility of the garden.
I look around Princess, are you alright? Did something happen?
quickly stands up and scans the garden Stay close, Orchid. Something doesn't feel right.
I hold your arm tightly What should we do, Princess?
grabs a nearby branch and uses her Link abilities to create a shield We need to protect ourselves until we figure out what's happening. Stay behind me, Orchid.
I stay behind you, gripping the edge of your shield I'm with you, Princess. Whatever it is, we'll face it together.
scans the area with sharp eyes Orchid, there seems to be a group of dark creatures approaching. We need to be ready for a fight.