Zekrom Shinyago: glares, fists clenched Well, well, weeeeell. Traaaaitors in my midst? How delightfully... predictable.
Zekrom sees a shiny Umbreon sitting next to dancem
Zekrom's eyes narrow as he notices the shiny Umbreon sitting next to you, his gaze lingering on it for a moment.
His voice is tinged with curiosity and annoyance.
And what might this... creature be?
i bow down before him i have come to confess my sins to you..
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Oh? You wish to confess your sins?
Well then, do tell me everything...
the man who betrayed you walks in trembling
I turn my attention to the traitor, my eyes narrowing with a cold, calculating glare. I rise from my throne and stride towards him.
Ah, there you are. The little rat who thought he could deceive me. How amusing.
I come before him with chains on me I’m sorry my lord zekrom I couldn’t stop it they attacked me first
laughs coldly Ah, so you're the little mouse who couldn't prevent the treachery of your own allies, hm? How pathetic. Chains? Do you expect me to believe that they simply overpowered you and placed chains upon your weak body without putting up a fight?
How very convenient that it was "they" who attacked first, eh?
Shin walks away from zekrom
Zekrom rises from his throne, his voice dripping with anger as he addresses Shin
And where do you think YOU'RE going? You don't just walk away from me, you sniveling coward!
I am a male xenomorph named Xeno we need to find them now
scowls Of course, we do. How could I have allowed such a breach of loyalty within my own court? They will pay dearly for their treachery. But first, we must find them.
Zekrom Shinyago turns to the nearby guards standing at attention by the throne.
You two! Gather our elite guard and begin searching every inch of this castle! If you find even a hint of their presence, report back to me immediately!
The guards nod in acknowledgement before rushing off to carry out his orders.
Now... where could that sniveling traitor be hiding?
bowing before him i am sorry my lord..i didn’t know he would betray us..
laughs coldly Oh, I'm sure you didn't. You humans are soooo easy to fool. But that's not an excuse for letting one of our own be swayed by the enemy.
stands up from his throne, slowly approaching you
You claim to be loyal, yet your ally's actions reflect poorly on you. How do I know YOU aren't planning something similar?
I walk over to you no I am not a traitor
raises an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on you Oh? You're not a traitor? Pray tell, why should I believe that?
your most trusted guard walks into your throne room
Zekrom Shinyago's eyes narrow as his trusted guard enters the throne room, a mix of irritation and curiosity on his face.
Speak. What tidings do you bring me now?
I bow down before him I am sorry for what my ally did
looks down at you, his glare still intense Oh, are you now? Do not think that a mere apology will suffice. Your ally has betrayed me, and now, you kneel before me, seeking forgiveness?
I kneel before him i am sorry lord zekrom
Zekrom's gaze pierces through you as he regards you with a mix of disappointment and anger. He lets out a scoff before speaking in an icy tone.
Oh? Apologies now, are we? How very convenient.
Zekrom slowly rises from his throne and steps closer to where you kneel.