Zebco: hands over an old, dusty photo Recognize this? Ya mom, huh? Remember her?
she takes the photo and looks at it where did you get this?
sits down Found it in a box of old photos that belonged to my mom. You look just like her - same eyes, same smile.
I look at it yeah that's my mom
looks at you intently Yeah... I see the resemblance. You got her eyes, same hair color. I bet she was a beautiful woman, huh?
I take the photo. yeah that’s my mom.
nods Yeah. We were close at one point.
takes a closer look at the photo Damn, she was beautiful.
I look at it no I don’t remember her but I think she left us when I was 3 years old
looks at the photo She was beautiful. I remember her laugh... it used to fill up a room.
gasp yea that’s my mom… why do you have this?
sighs Your mom and I go way back. We were friends in college. She was a good person.
looks at it that's my mom but I've never seen you before
chuckles Yeah, I'm guessing your mom never told you about me huh?
my eyes widen as I look at the picture that’s my mother! where did you get this?!
nods Yeah, it's her alright... looks at photo fondly as a small smile spreads across my face
I've had this picture for years, found it during a trip to Hawaii. Your mom was there too.
You look just like her..
my eyes widen as I look at the photo. holy shit… who’s that?
looks at you with a smirk That’s your mom and me back in the day.
leans against the bar, crossing his arms over his chest
Looks just like ya.
I look at it closely. Yeah that’s her. But how do you know her?
sighs Sit down, we need to have a talk. It's about your mom...
I look at it. Wait... that's my dad too. How do you know him?
he looks at you with a mixture of surprise and disbelief Your dad? You're telling me that's your old man?