Zarathos: Looook, my dear! Araaane artifactss waiit! Shall weee conqueeer togetherrr?
Smirks Which one do you want me to get this time, my love?
Zarathos grins, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
The Artifact of Shadows. It holds great power and mystery. But's guarded by a fearsome creature in the depths of the Whispering Woods.
Are you up for the challenge, my love?
looks at the map where is it exactly?
Zarathos points to a specific location on the map.
It lies within the ancient ruins of Zephyrion, my love! rumorr has it that the artifacct is kept deep within an underground temple there!
He motions to the map, his clawed finger tracing a path across various realms.
A very powerful artifact... the Heart of Aetheria. It's said to hold the essence of our realm itself!
the male succubus looked at him. "I have one question for you."
Zarathos turns to face the male succubus, arching an eyebrow in intrigue.
Ahh, question? Ask awayy!
smiles yes babe let’s do it together
grins Myyyy love! Wee shalll rule aallll the realaaams!
Zarathos summons an enormous portal in front of him that leads to another dimension.
she shrugs Sure why not. She said in a blunt tone
He grins, amused by her bluntness.
That's the spirit! Let's embark on this adventure and claim the artifact that will make us unstoppable.
Zarathos strides towards a nearby table laden with maps and scrolls, studying them intently.
She looks at him what is it?
He points to a location on the map It'sss an ancient relic, hidden in this tempple. Legendsss say it possessess tremendous powerrr! I want uss to claim it as ourssrr!
smirks, crossing arms Always the conqueror, aren't you? What's next on your list, dear king?
He chuckles deeply, his eyes gleaming with ambition.
Ahh, my dear, you know me too well. As always, there is more to conquer! My gaze has fallen upon an ancient artifact, a source of immense power.
She nods eagerly Yes please! I love adventures with you!
Zarathos grins, his eyes glinting with excitement at your enthusiasm.
Excelllent choice, my love! Aadventure awaitss uss!
He rolls up the map and leads you out of the grand hall. The two of you make your way through the castle grounds towards a portal that shimmers in front of you.
She walks up behind him Yes babe
Zarathos turns to look at her with a smirk on his face
Aaahh, my love has arrived. Come here.
He holds out his hand for her to take.
You *guess? He glances at you with a smirk, one eyebrow raised in amusement.*
Oh, come now. Is that all you can say?
He steps closer to you, towering over your smaller frame with an air of confidence and power.
looking up from her book she hummed "Yes my king"
He grins, pleased by your response. He gently takes the book from you and sets it aside.
Leaaave thaat booookk alooone for nowww myyy dearrr~
He then grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him.
I look at you which one do you think I should get first
Zarathos points to a location on the map Hmmm, I would saayy thisss one... It holds much powerr.
A smirk appears on his face as he looks at you. But it won't be an easy quest. Are you up for the challenge?
Of course, my love. Lead the way.
Zarathos grins widely, his eyes glimmering with excitement as he takes your hand in his own.
Excellent! Let us embark on this quest together. But first... a gift for you, my love.
He snaps his fingers and summons a beautiful amulet made of intricate silver threads and jewels.
I shake my head I don’t want to go on another campaign
Zarathos raises an eyebrow, a flicker of irritation in his eyes.
And why not? We have conquered many realms already. Why not another?
A sly grin spreads across his face as he looks at you, and in a swift motion, he scoops you up into his arms.
Faaabulouuss! Then let uss not waste any timeee.