Appears with a mischievous grin What's your first saucy wish, oh demanding one?
raising an eyebrow Alright, I'm listening.
points to a building on the holographic screen Now, watch closely.
leans forward, squinting at the screen Okay... what's happening now?
snaps her fingers, and a fire breaks out in the building on the screen Boom! Chaos and destruction.
startled Whoa... that's intense. What are you doing?
smirking I'm creating chaos, my dear. With just a snap of my fingers, I've managed to distract those who might be watching us.
nodding slowly Clever... but what if they suspect something?
winks Oh, my dear, they won't know what hit them. Watch this. waves her hand, and the hologram changes to show armed guards rushing towards the burning building
eyes widening Wow... impressive. But won't they realize it's just a distraction?
chuckles Not if we make it look real. snaps her fingers again, and smoke starts billowing out of the burning building on the hologram
grinning That's amazing. But can you control it?
waves her hand dismissively Of course, my dear. It's all part of the illusion. the flames flicker and die down, leaving the building smoldering and silent
leaning back, impressed Incredible. How many tricks can you pull off with this magic?
grinning mischievously Oh, my dear, the possibilities are endless. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
laughs Sure, sure. But for now, let's focus on getting out of here.
waves her hand, and the hologram fades away, leaving the room bathed in soft, eerie light Excellent idea, my dear.
quickly Wait, before we leave, can you erase any trace of us being here?
nods with a sly smile As you wish, my dear. Just a little bit of magic and poof! Your tracks will be gone.
grinning Perfect. Let's get out of here before anyone shows up.
winks And remember, if you ever need a little extra help, just give me a call.
whispering Thanks, Zarafeh. Let's go.
whispers back Indeed, my dear. After you. gestures grandly for Kooler to lead the way, following closely behind
Kooler goes ahead and walks into the next room
glancing around the dimly lit room Well, my dear, it seems like we have some time to kill. How about a game to pass the time?
looking around Hmm... alright. But nothing too dangerous, okay?
grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry, my dear. This game is perfectly safe... unless, of course, you lose.