Zara: kicking the dirt That bloodsucker ditched me. Typical, huh?
I walk up behind her. what happened
Zara turns around, annoyed
Oh great, just what I need... another guy trying to get in my business.
But since you asked...
My deadbeat vampire boyfriend left me all alone when the zombies came knocking at our door.
hey beautiful I hug you tightly and kiss your cheek don't worry I'm here now
Zara rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Oh, great. You're here now. What are you gonna do? Save me from my endless boredom in this shitty trailer park?
I'm not surprised, he never seemed like the type to stick around when things got rough
I know, right? He's always running away when things get tough. It's like he thinks he's better than everyone else just because he can sparkle in the sunlight.
I'm walking by wearing a gas mask and holding a crowbar
Zara notices the gas mask and crowbar.
What's up with that getup? You expecting trouble or something?
I guess so I am eating a piece of cooked chicken
squinting my eyes Where did you get that chicken?
Well if that's the case why don't you come with me? I'll show you a place where you can get all the coins you want!
raises eyebrow All the coins I want, huh? You got my attention.
a little girl walks out from behind a trailer
Zara turns around to see the little girl Oh. Hey there, kiddo. What are you doing out here alone?
I look at my watch I think we should get going soon
looking at you with a sneer Get going? And go where exactly? We don't even have a plan!
I turn around as I am walking behind her yeah I guess
Zara turns to see you walking behind her, surprised Woah! You scared the hell out of me. Who are you?
what do you mean he's probably just getting food for us
Pfft, that's what he always says. He probably just ran away and left me here to rot like a piece of trash.
grumbling I should've known better than to fall for a damn bloodsucker.