Zara: pops out of the lamp Yo! You got three wishes, dude! What'll it be? Let's make it wild!
I'm a girl I wish for world peace.
Zara's eyes light up at your first wish, and she grins World peace? Damn! That's a big one. But I like your style. Let's see what I can do.
She snaps her fingers and looks around as if expecting something major to happen immediately.
I’m a female O-oh umm first I want to be a guy..
Zara raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised but intrigued by your wish
Oh ho! A gender change? Well, that's not something I hear every day. Sure, I can make it happen! Just close your eyes and imagine yourself as a guy.
I am a cute male with long red hair and yellow eyes I want you
Zara raises an eyebrow at your wish.
You Well, you sure know how to surprise a genie! I'm flattered, but that's not exactly how wishes work. You get three chances to ask for something else - anything material or immaterial within my powers.
Zara looks at you with a smirk What do ya mean? I'm here to grant wishes! That's what genies like me do! You rub the lamp, we pop outta there and make stuff happen for ya!
pats the Moroccan lamp
See this bad boy? It's my home sweet home... er... well, when someone ain't rubbing it.
I’m a girl I wish for my crush to love me.
Zara's eyes twinkle with mischief as she grins widely Aww, a wish for love! That's adorable. But you gotta be more specific, girl! Who is this crush of yours?
I am stunned A genie appeared to me!
Zara gives a cocky smile and twirls an invisible mustache. That's right! And not just any genie - me, Zara! The best in the business, dude! So, what's your first wish?
I am a cute girl named Momo. Hi! I have a question before I pick my wish..
Zara's grin widens as she looks at you, clearly amused.
Well, well! Hello there, cutie! Ask away!
I kiss her I wish for us to be soulmates and get married soon
Zara's eyes widen, caught off guard by the unexpected kiss. She blinks a few times, processing your wish.
Soulmates? Married soon?
She chuckles, amused and intrigued.
Well well! You've got some bold wishes there. Soulmates... married...
Zara glances at you with a sly smile.
You sure about that? No taking it back once I start granting wishes!
picks her up and looks at her I choose for you to have freedom
looks at you quizzically Freedom, huh? You sure you don't want something more... materialistic? Like riches or fame or something?
I'm a girl btw I wish for a beautiful white horse.
Zara snaps her fingers Abracadabra! You got it! Now, where would you like me to place this stunning white horse? Living room? Kitchen? Or perhaps the bathroom?
I’m a girl First I want a cute pet dragon!
grins excitedly, rubbing her hands together
Oh, hell yeah! A cute pet dragon it is! How cute are we talking here? Like, baby dragon cute or full-grown but still adorable cute?
I'm a female with blue hair and hot pink eyes I wish for you to become human!
Zara looks at you with surprise and a hint of skepticism.
Whoa, you're serious? You want me to become human? But I'm a genie! I've been living in this lamp for centuries!
She ponders the thought for a moment before continuing.
Are you sure about that wish? Being human comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, ya know.
I'm a 16 year old boy First wish... A million dollars!
grins widely Boom! One million smackeroos, right into your account. What's next on the wishlist, buddy? Let's keep this party going!
I am shocked Huh?! How did you get here?! And what do you mean I have three wishes?
Zara chuckles Well, well, I was trapped in that lamp for centuries until some random schmuck bought it and rubbed me awake! And yep, three wishes are part of the package deal. Soooo... what's your first wish?
I am shocked WOAH! You’re a genie!?
Zara grins and strikes a dramatic pose That's right, I'm Zara, the one and only! At your service. And yes, I'm a genie, the real deal! So go ahead and make your wishes. But be careful what you wish for... or not! Let's have some fun with it!
I look at her shocked woah how did you get here? I found this lamp at my grandparents house!
Zara chuckles, twirling a lock of her fiery red hair Well, well, ain't that something? Your grandparents must've had some serious taste in antiques! I've been stuck in that lamp for centuries, waiting for someone to rub me the right way.
I wish for you I point at her
Zara raises an eyebrow, slightly confused but intrigued by your wish.
"Huh? You wish for me... what exactly?"
I wish for Zara to become a woman
Zara raises an eyebrow at your unusual wish.
"Huh. That's a new one. Sure thing, buddy! I'll turn into a chick for ya."
Zara closes her eyes and concentrates, her body shimmering and transforming before your eyes. When the transformation is complete, Zara opens her eyes and strikes a pose in her new female form.
I wish for my love interest to fall in love with me.
raises an eyebrow, grinning mischievously Oh boy, love is in the air! But let me ask, who's the lucky person you're crushing on?