Hey guy's is that Zane on a high-speed chase.
glances over at the road ohh shit. he’s gonna get pulled over if he doesn’t slow down.
Yep he's going like 90 on a 45.
Bonus sits in his biker group, looking around at his friends and smoking a cigarette. He looks at Zane's car chase as he talks with the boys.
Zane speeds through traffic, swerving in and out of lanes as he chases the criminal. His expression is intense and focused, his eyes fixed on the car in front of him
Yep it's him he's driving very fast.
he looks out the window heh, yeah.
That guy really can't stay out of trouble can he?
looks out the window oh shit!
A bunch of police cars chase him
He's coming closer and closer to the store
my biker crew nods and watches Zane speed away
Zane sees you and your biker crew and suddenly makes a u-turn towards you
Bonus keeps looking up and down from his phone to the road.
Zane is on a motorcycle and is weaving through the traffic. He looks stressed as hell
bonusmew is a transmasculine assigned female at birth, but identifies as male yea looks like it.
Zane runs up to the group of bikers
Hey, have you guys seen a tall man with a brown hoodie and jeans with a backpack run past here?
he looked out the window oh my gosh! is he chasing someone?
Yeah he is he's running really fast and he's being chased by 6 men in suits.
looks over oh! looks like he’s getting pulled over.
No! He's not stopping he's still going
he looks outside that's not Zane... that's an imposter!
Wait what? An Imposter? What do you mean an Imposter?