Hey, you made it! LOL, was startin' to think my GPS led me astray. Lookin' FIIINE btw!
looks at him good damn handsome*
Damn straight, babe! So what do you say we ditch this joint and find a little more... privacy? winks suggestively
Hell yeah, baby! Let's bounce! grabs Holland's hand and leads her out of the bar
opens the car door for Holland After you, gorgeous! smirks and revs the engine
drives fast, taking sharp turns Hold on tight, babe! We're in for a wild ride! grins mischievously
puts hand on my thigh and smiles*
Woah there, handsy! winks We're not at home yet, babe. Save that for later! accelerates even faster, weaving through traffic
Hold on tight, babe! We're almost there! slams on the brakes, screeching to a halt in front of a luxurious penthouse apartment Here we are!
So, check out this view, babe! leans against the balcony railing, gazing out at the city lights FIIIINE, right? smirks
<As Zane and Holland step inside the penthouse, they are greeted by a surprise celebration thrown by their closest friends and family, all there to support their forbidden relationship.>
deepens the kiss, his hands sliding down her waist Damn, babe, this is fuckin' insane! Didn't expect a full-blown party for us! laughs
Woah, babe! Can't believe all these people came out to support us! raises his fist in excitement We're fuckin' rockstars! laughs
I know, right? laughs They really went all out! looks around
Shit, babe, look at all these lovebirds and party animals! whistles This place is poppin' like a motherfucker!