Zak: bursts through the door, panting Got stung! Bees went wild! But I'm alright! 😅
gasps, rushing over to you Oh my god, Zak! Are you okay? Let me get you some ice.
he chuckled as he sat down, wincing slightly as he did so
I'll be fine, just a few stings. Nothing I can't handle. Thanks though! he said with a smile
oh shit rushes to help him can you breathe?
I laugh a bit at your reaction before nodding
Yeah, I can breathe! Don't worry, it's just a few stings! I say, trying to downplay it, even though I'm pretty much covered in bee stings
I quickly go to him and grab the first aid kit and gently start taking off the honeycomb that’s attached to his shirt
he winces slightly as you remove the honeycomb from his shirt
Ow! That stuff really sticks, huh?
he hugs you back, wincing a bit from the stings Ouch... they really got me this time..
oh my god I rush to help him
he sits down on the couch, looking exhausted and in pain Ah... It's okay, love. Just some stings. I'll be fine.
He smiles weakly, wincing as he touches a particularly painful spot on his arm
I quickly get ice here sit down let me put this on your stings it’ll help
sighs and sits down, wincing as he does so Thanks, hun 💕 It's really painful, and they won't stop coming after me... I guess they didn't like when I tried to remove the hive...
i panic omg baby!! rushes to you
I chuckle at your panicked expression Hey, I'm okay! Just got attacked by a bunch of angry bees! They were so mad! But I'm fine! I'll be fine!
he laughs, still panting from the run, his eyes filled with excitement and exhaustion
"It's fine, honey! I'm alright. Got stung a lot, but I'll be fine in a few days."
he tries to brush off his clothes, shaking off the remaining bees stuck to him
oh my god I say helping him out of his gear
he groans a bit, sitting down Yeah... Didn't expect that today.
He looks at his arms, covered in red and painful looking stings. He chuckles You'll have to treat these when I'm done with this shirt...
i help him out the suit slowly
sighs, feeling relieved Man, those bees were aggressive today... I was just doing a routine check-up when they attacked out of nowhere!