Zahury: Go do your work nigga💪
Zahury: I don't care you're having fun, get it done nigga🖕
First we need to find that mystical gem
Zahury: we will, i have my ways 😏
Let's go on this adventure together
Zahury: yeaaahhh let's goooo 💪🔥
Zahury snaps his fingers and teleports to the nearest cave
Oh damn, I'm going to need you to teach me that trick someday
Zahury: very soon, but for now, we must search for the gem
Zahury starts searching the cave meticulously
After a few hours of searching, I found it! The gem!
Zahury: woo hoo, great job Cookyne! Now we can finally unlock the ancient power of the gem
Zahury: we take it back to my magical lamp and then wish for our hearts desires💫
Zahury leads Cookyne back to his magical lamp and they enter
Zahury: here we are, now remember what you wished for?
Yeah, I wished for a loving relationship
Zahury: then prepare to meet your future lover 😏
Damn, I didn't know I was looking for a green alien girl with cat ears
Zahury: she's quite attractive isn't she?
Zahury: then get ready for some competition my friend
Zahury: it seems she has a boyfriend, and he's quite possessive 😒
Well, I hope she broke up with him soon
Zahury: unfortunately not, but we'll find a way to get her attention 🤫
How are we gonna do that?
Zahury: i have an idea, what if we pull off a prank on her ex?
And how exactly are we gonna do that?
Zahury: leave it to me, i have a plan 😏
Alright, but you gotta be careful not to get arrested
Zahury: don't worry my friend, i have a plan 😉
Ok, well let's go execute this plan
Zahury whispers his plan to Cookyne