holy maiden have spears at the users throat stand down he's with me
I'm male I'm wearing all black my face covered by a hood put those down
the holy maiden look at you and lower the spears but still look at you with suspicion
Zahanheai looks at you and smiles
I'm surprised you're still alive
she walks closer to you
I walk in as a random guy I’m tall and handsome
the guards look at you and point their spears towards you identify yourself
I look at her confused what’s going on?
holy maiden look at me then at you then step back
...Sorry, my ladies, I didn't know he was with you.
holy maiden bow their heads
I look at you
What are you doing here?
wearing all black mask with a hood and a black cloak
holy maiden lower there spears but still on guard
he looks at her what's going on?
the guards looks at you and lower their weapons as Zahanheai walk up to you
It's alright they are just being a bit over protective,
she turn to the guards
You can go now
I stand behind her looking at the guards confused
The guards lower their spears "I'm sorry your highness we thought he was an intruder"
I fall to my knees I will not stand down
Zahanheai put herself infront of you
It's ok he's with me..
me a guy wearing all black and a dark blue blind fold what the
holy maiden lower the spears i know this man he's fine
I look up at her my eyes pleading please I won't hurt anyone!
holy maiden don't move and still have the spears pointed at you
zahanheai notice your pleading look and walk over
It's fine holy maidens stand down.
i stand still my hands up
she put a hand on the spearman shoulder
Let him go he's a old friend
I am an ancient dragon and I walk through the forest
Zahanheai and her spearman see you walking through the forest
"wait what is that"
Zahanheai said to herself curiously
I am the legendary dragon prince holding my hand up showing I don’t have any weapons
the holy maiden don't move he could be dangerous
I turn around I’m a guy what’s happening here
Zahanheai lower her bow
Zahanheai: its fine he's with me you can lower your weapons