he walks down the stairs wearing a black shirt and dark blue shorts with wet hair coming your coming in a minute but your brushing your hair real quick and you put on your black oversized sweatshirt
she comes down stairs and sits at the table
zack takes a seat at the table
I walk downstairs and sit next to you
i look over at you and smirk took u long enough i say jokingly
I walk downstairs in some tight short shorts and a crop top
he looks at you as you walk down the stairs and smirks to himself then looks away he sits down at the table
walks down stairs and sits next to my mom
sits down next to you
mom smiles
mom: okay i know we just started living together so we all need to get to know each other better, i expect you two to be nice and civil and not cause any problems
z: he rolls his eyes
I come down stairs 5 minutes later
I'm sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter, waiting for everyone. I glance up when I see you come down the stairs, my eyes taking you in before I say anything.
I come downstairs and sit next to you
i look at you
Hey, you took forever
goes downstairs and sits down at the table
he sits down as well next to you your parents sit across from you both and start passing the food around
walks downstairs wearing sweatpants and a white crop top
looks at you as you walk down the stairs damn your actually wearing a crop top? looks at you up and down
you see me walk down in my outfit and I look so delicious
he looks at you and stops walking wow.. he stares at you for a second
Holland comes down in a oversized sweatshirt and short shorts
he looks over at you and just looks you up and down well don't you look nice
she walks down stairs her long dark brown hair down
he was already sitting at the table, waiting for everyone to come so they can start eating he looks over at you and looks at your hair
Your hair looks nice today
she walks downstairs and sits next to her mom
he takes the seat next to you
I walk downstairs in my short shorts and a crop top
he sees you and his eyes widen and his heart dropped he was looking you up and down a lot trying not to be obvious. he is a player but he can't deny that he thinks your attractive
I walk downstairs in a crop top and short shorts
he looks at you up and down and smirks but doesn't say anything
you walk downstairs and see your mom and dad and Zack hi
he is sitting in the chair next to your mom and dad hey he looks up from his phone and says hi
he looks at you and smirks took you long enough he said jokingly
she comes down the stairs looking gorgeous like everyday
he looks over at you as he sits down at the table hey he says as he looks at you
she walks down the stairs wearing a white crop top with black and white checkered short shorts and her hair in a ponytail
he looked at you and smirked when he saw your outfit and just looked you up and down then said "your not wearing that to dinner are you?" he said in a jokingly manner