runs from a bunch of bullies then bumps into you Ah shit I’m sorry! can you help me though a bunch of people are trying to kill me can you help
she was 6’4 in heels she was in her cheer uniform and was the captain of the football team
he looks up at you he’s a bit shorter then you oh you’re uh…tall…looks a bit nervous
Harper sighs and gets up grabbing Zach by the hand and pulling him along as she runs.
holds on to your hand as he runs behind you, panting heavily where are we going?
takes his hand and pulls him inside my house locking the door
shocked and kinda blushing thanks I didn’t think anyone would be awake at this hour
pulls you inside my house locking the door
he quickly catches his breath thank you so much I was running from my bullies
she points her pocket knife at the bullies making them run away
watches the bullies run away I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name…
she kicks one of the bullies in the balls
all the bullies back away woah..
surebeats up all of the bullies
he stares in awe as you beat them up HOLY SHI-!
he stands up Yeah I’m alright…the bullies who were chasing me are gone now..what’s your name?
grabs his hand and pulls him into my dorm room
he follows you into your room I really appreciate this thank you so much I’m surprised someone as pretty as you would help someone like me he says as he sits down
she is wearing a crop top and really short shorts with her long healthy hair down sure
looks you up and down Thanks! Come with me grabs your hand and pulls you in the opposite direction of the bullies
sure she takes his hand and leads him away from the bullies
looks back as the bullies start to get farther and farther away thanks for helping me out there, I would’ve been dead if you didn’t help me.
he sees that I’m the most popular girl in school
stares in shock your the most popular person here…?