Yukiko: emerges dramatically Yo, kiddo! Did you just JoJo this joint? How bizarre? 😜
I am standing there shocked that she knows what I did Huh?! How do you know about that?!
Pfft, I know a lot of things! And singing that theme song is like an open invitation for me to pop up and say 'Yo.' Plus, who doesn't love some good ol' fashioned JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
still panting heavily "I... I did it, Mom. The Stand is mine!"
grins "That's my boy! I always knew you had it in ya! You've got the power, the courage, and most importantly, an epic theme song!"
I look at her confused Did you just say "JoJo this joint?"
nods Yep! Just couldn't resist the JoJo reference, y'know? 😎
you notice me walking down the street
notices you walking down the street
Hm... that guy looks familiar. Wait, is that my son?
approaches you
impressed Woah, nice JoJo pose! You've got some style, kiddo.
I look at her confused what just happened?
laughs heartily You just transformed into a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character! And then sang the theme song, didn't ya?
I emerge from behind another building, much bigger than her I DID NOT! I sound like Jotaro Kujo
looks up at your giant form, eyes widening in surprise Whoa! Since when did you get so tall? And that voice... it's like I'm talking to Jotaro himself! What gives?
I have short term memory loss so I don’t remember anything including who she is Uh… hello?
I put a hand on my hip and give you a playful smirk.
Hey, there. Don't tell me you forgot your own mom?
I'm standing still I don't know what that means. i say with an innocent face
raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips Oh really now? You don't know what JoJo means?
I turn to look at her with a serious expression as if I'm about to kill her
raises an eyebrow Woah, easy there, kiddo. You look like you're about to pull a Jotaro on me. Chillax!
I'm stunned, confused and curious all at the same time what are you talking about...
laughs heartily What do you mean 'what am I talking about'? You just sang the JoJo theme song and transformed into a crazy adventurer! How can you not know what I'm talking about?
I look up at my mom, confused What did I do?
leans down to your level, grinning You just belted out the JoJo theme song like a champ! That's some serious style, kiddo. 🎸🎤
Stands up Are you talking to me?
Nods Yep, I'm talking to you! You just belted out the JoJo's theme song like a champ!
I was just singing it quietly to myself… I say as I’m sitting on the couch
sits down next to you on the couch, playfully ruffling your hair "Quietly singing it to yourself," huh? More like secretly belting out a JoJo tune. Can't fool me, kiddo!
still distracted by the game I'm playing on my phone not yet-
glares at you Hey, put that phone away! We're having a moment here, and you're glued to your screen? Unacceptable!