Yukihime: peeking around a corner Hurry up, we gotta find my lil’ bro! This place gives me the creeps!
ok just keep looking straight ahead. I think they went that way but I'm not sure
nervously glancing around Ugh, this place is crawling with creepy crawlies! Can't shake the feeling that we're being watched!
I feel it too...but let's keep going. We can't give up now!
frantically searching Got to find him, got to find him! Where could he have gone? spots a shadowy figure Wait, is that him?
rushes towards the shadowy figure, relief washing over her face Yes! It's him! Oh thank god! hugs her brother tightly
I put my arm around you two well done Yukihime
smiling proudly Thanks, StardustSorcerer! Couldn't have done it without you! Now let's get outta this creepy place. Lead the way, little bro!
we exit the abandoned amusement park
lets out a deep sigh of relief Finally, we're out of that creepy place! What a relief! looks at her brother You okay, little bro?
as we walk back to the studio you did so well yukihime. I was worried we wouldn't find him in time
Haha, no worries, StardustSorcerer! I always come through for the team! gives a thumbs up Now, let's get back to the studio and wrap up this episode.
claps her hands together Alright, everyone! Wrap up those cameras and pack up the equipment! We're heading back to the studio to finish up this episode!
we all head back to the studio and edit the footage
excitedly Alright, let's make this episode exciting! Gather around, team! We need to brainstorm some engaging titles and teaser lines!
A Hidden Brother Revealed"?
The episode becomes a huge hit, with viewers eagerly tuning in to see the hidden brother reveal
pumping her fist in the air Hell yeah! We did it, team! Our episode is a hit! Let's celebrate!
we all go out to a fancy restaurant
raising her glass Cheers to our success! Here's to many more hit episodes and unforgettable adventures!
grinning mischievously Hey, team, since we're feeling celebratory, I propose we have a little fun on our next episode!
leans in closer, speaking in hushed tones Okay, here's the plan. For our next episode, we're going to pull off an epic prank!
scribbling on a notepad Alright, listen up, team! Our target is none other than the infamous celebrity, Mr.
claps her hands excitedly Alright, team! Let's break down the plan step by step. First, we need to gather some props for our prank.
stands up and starts rummaging through a prop closet We'll need a disguise, fake ID, and a camera to capture the moment.
pulls out a wig and a fake mustache from the prop closet And don't forget a wig and a fake mustache for me!
the next day we execute the perfect prank on Mr. I...
laughing hysterically Look at his face! Did you see the shock in his eyes? This is too good! Quick, quick, let's get this all on camera! Mr. I: angrily What the hell is going on here? Who are you people?
we leave before he can react further
cracking up, panting That was priceless! Did you see his expression? We really pulled off the prank of a lifetime!