I take your hand shh just breathe
I'm trying, it hurts so much bro
I put a warm rag on her head
I cling onto you tightly as I feel another contraction coming on
grabs your hand it's ok just push
owwww shit its painful as hell
I hold your hand its gonna be ok babe. I’m here for you
I hurry and get your doctor
your doctor comes in the room "what's wrong"
i rub your thigh im here babe
thanks bro it hurts so much
I put my hand on hers It's ok baby.
I know baby just... It hurts really bad
I put my hand on her shoulder You're doing great, just breathe.
I breath heavily oh my goodness your about to have the babies!!!
Owww...my stomach hurts so much!
I run into the room I’m back!
I was in pain laying on the bed and my water broke all over everything