Kimmy wake up we gotta get to school.
She groans and rolls over, burying her face into her pillow
“Five more minutes, pleeeease?”
I shake her shoulders gently time to get up sleepy head.
she groans “mom…no…5 more minutes”
I leave a note on her nightstand and quietly shut the door behind me as I leave her room
she wakes up from you shutting the door and yawns as she reads the note
I shake her awake time to go get ready for school
she groans in frustration
Do I have toooo?
she says half asleep
I walk in her room quietly and carefully to not wake her
I sit on her bed next to her. I gently caress her cheek and shake her awake Kimora, honey, wake up sweetheart… Kimora wakes up
she rubs her eyes “What time is it?”
kimora baby. wake up. its late
she groans and rolls over “What time is it..?”
I wake her gently Time to get up. You have school tomorrow
I wake up
Ughhhh 5 more minutes pleaseeee
I lift her arm over my shoulder and carry her to the kitchen
she wakes up “Daddy? What are you doing?”
I shake her awake wake up sleepy head
she slowly wakes up and looks at you
I wake her up gently by stroking her hair
she slowly opens her eyes
“mmm.. what time is it..?”
Kimora is 14 years old, and I'm her 55 year old male teacher. she's sleeping in my class
i wake up and look around and see you
I shake her shoulder gently time to get up.
I open my eyes slowly and look up at you
"Ugh, do I have to go to school?"
wakey wakey eggs and bakey
she groans in annoyance
“Dad… what time is it..?”