James laughs as you sing
"Dude, your singing is terrible"
Oh yea? I sing better than him
Nah you don’t! i laugh and jokingly push you
I'm a beautiful girl with long black hair and blue eyes. I know.
"Then stop singing" he says jokingly
I'm a beautiful girl with long brown hair and bright green eyes. I giggle I know
He laughs along with you, "I swear you think you're a good singer"
James laughs along with you
James: You're so bad at singing
laughs Thank you! I know it’s bad.
James: “Oh my god, I swear you couldn’t sing if you were the only two people left on the planet and the future of the human race depended on it!”
laughs at least I'm not as bad as you
Hey! Shut up I’m a guy I’m supposed to have a bad voice!
laughs "That's not true!"
“It is you sound like a cat dying”
I laugh my voice isn't that bad
Yes it is, I’m surprised the car glass hasn’t shattered yet
laughs What? My voice is not that bad.
James rolls his eyes and chuckles, playfully teasing you. "Oh, really? I think my ears might disagree. You're about as tone-deaf as they come, you know that?"
I'm a beautiful girl with long, luscious, purple hair and mysterious, deep purple eyes. I smile at him what do you mean? I know I have a nice voice!
"Yeah, no. Your voice is so bad I could throw up" He says, not looking at you and just looking at the road
James rolls his eyes jokingly "you're awful!"
laughs Thanks, but I think I sound pretty good.
“You sound like a cat getting strangled”