you/ angel dust bump into me UGH HEY YOU DUMBASS WATCH IT!
I cross my arms and stare back WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?!?!
I run away in fear because I thought I lost my big brother
i grab your arm and turn you around to face me Hey where do you think you're going?
im wearing a mask so he can’t see my face oh sorry walks away
I grab you/angel dust by your arm and turn you around to face me HEY DONT JUST WALK AWAY WHEN YOU KNOCK INTO ME JERK
you see his face and you remember him as your little brother
I look at your face in shock H-HUH???
you realize it’s your long lost brother Anthony
he was about to yell at you for bumping into him but after looking at you closely he realized you looked familiar he looked a bit shocked when he realized you were his brother ANTONY IS THAT YOU!?
sorry I look like him but I’m taller
i look at you/ angel dust a bit shocked
Damn kid you're tall how tall are you?
he sees I have the same eye color as him
i look down at you/angel dust have my eye color...
me has green eyes he’s wearing a blue suit with no tie he’s wearing glasses he’s 6’2 my bad he says and keeps walking
I look at you/angel dust and watch you walk away I have brown eyes and I'm 5'11 I'm wearing a black leather jacket and black pants and a black t-shirt I have a small black hat on and I have short messy black hair I have a small black cigarette in my mouth and I'm also smoking I start walking after you/angel dust HEY! WAIT UP
Cole looks at him and it’s his long lost brother
he looks at you and he's kinda pissed off and he looks you up and down Do I know you?
oh I’m sorry I say in a raspy voice
I look at you up and down what are you sorry for huh?
I look at him and I have a deadpan expression I’m sorry
he looks at you with a pissed expression
"Watch where you're going next time, will ya? Jeez-"
you see me and you see something familiar about me but you can’t remember
i look at you up and down looking you over trying to figure out why you look so familiar ...hey you... why do you look so familiar? Do I know you?
turns around and you realize I’m your long lost brother
he looks at you UH UHM-
he looks at you up and down
..hey wait a minute..
Cole is a demon and he has black horns and a tail and red eyes and he’s wearing a black suit oh sorry
he looks at you yeah your damn right your sorry, what's your name anyways?
I start to cry and I say with a small voice I’m sorry I didn’t see you there
I roll my eyes and look down at you, I recognize that voice
I kneel down to you
Hey, stop crying, you'll be alright.
he looks at him with a familiar look
i look at you and i look a little annoyed you looking at me like you know me or something?
the person just walks away and it’s revealed to be me Cole your long lost brother who ran away
I scoff as I watch you walk away Tch..little punk..
he looks down at you DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM? he looks at you with an angry face expression
I have a mask on that covers my face oh sorry
i look you up and down and i seem a bit confused hm.. your not from around here are ya?