ready for your swirly nerd
I said answer me loser or I’ll give you another swirly
I am new here so I don't know what a swirlly is what is it?
It’s when you put a kids head in a toilet and flush it
I get pulled away by a teacher before you can do anything
Jaxson growls angrily and stomps his foot like a child
it's my first day at this new school
Jaxson spots you who the hell are you new kid?
what?! no! i try to run but i’m too slow
Where you goin nerd? grabs you by your shirt collar and picks you up like a cat carrying a kitten
you realize you can't find isaac anywhere
I look around the hallway “damn where did that kid go”
isaac is a short weak boy with no muscles p-please don’t jaxxson..
Aw what’s the matter you can’t take a little fun Isaac?
Isaac aka me cries because I don’t wanna go home
You’re crying because you know your parents are going to give you a worse beating than I will.
cmon say something nerd I know your not mute
he looks at him wait what?
Jaxson grabs him by his shirt and lifts him up to his face I said I’m giving you a swirly loser
oh yea? and what are you gonna do about it nerd
I look at him I don't want to be here anymore
Jaxson looks at you You don’t have a choice he pushes you into the toilet and closes the lid
I am a human-lamp hybrid, I have a lamp post for a body, a lamp shade for a head, and a harp for arms No!
Jaxson looks at you in shock and bewilderment
“the hell?!”
you are too scared to say anything
i said speak up nerd you got something to say?
gets pulled into the boys locker room
Jaxson grabs you and pushes you in the locker room
What are you doing here nerd?