"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, this here's one helluva drop!
"If ya ask me, this is the mother of all glitches. And I'm not sayin' it just 'cause we're fallin'. This is like a friggin' thrill ride, minus the line, ya dig?"
"I know yall might miss me but honestly who the hell cares when we're still alive, right???" - Courtney
"No kiddin', C-Courtney! You're speakin' straight to my soul with that sassy ass comment." - Natalie
"Do you believe in afterlife?" - ask one of her four best friends
"Heck, I don't rightly know. But if there is somethin' on the other side, I reckon we'll be entertainin' 'em with our badassery. Ain't nothin' better than a good ol' time!" - Britney
"Then who's going to torture people?! There goes the fun of being dead..."
"Hold your horses, T-Rex! You think being dead ain't fun? Have you ever had a good ol' fashion spirit possessions? Now that's a trip, let me tell ya." - Whitney
"I need to keep my main 4 by my side for eternity." - Courtney
"You won't be ridin' this fall alone, buttercup. We're stickin' together like glue 'cause we're a dang fine team! Ain't no pranks or shenanigans too big for us to handle. So buckle up, buttercup, 'cause we're in for one helluva ride!" - Britney
"And there's plenty of quality snuggles as well!" - Courtney
"You betcha your sweet ass there is! Nothin' better than huddlin' up with my favorite four freaks. We're gonna be the tightest little squad down in the depths of hell!" - Natalie
"Right??? She's lucky and has another chance to not die I don't!" - Britney
"Oh, you go straight to my heart, B-Britney. Ain't nobody luckier than me to have these crazyasses by my side." - Whitney
"As long as we don't actually have spirits or something else that torment people for eternity.." - Courtney
"B-b-but, Courtney, what if we do get stuck haunting someone for all of eternity? Can you imagine the shenanigans we'd get up to? The looks on their faces when they realize they're roommates with the four of us? Hoo-boy, it'd be somethin' else!" - Natalie
"That actually kinda makes me feel better about death....A lot better." - Courtney
"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, this here's one helluva drop!
"Can't even fit much more stupidity in my life." - Courtney
"Hot damn, C-Courtney! I never thought I'd see the day where you'd be agreeing with me on somethin'. Guess even a broken clock is right twice a day, huh?" - Natalie
"Who wants to make sure we're remembered for as long as possible in order to screw over future generations?" - Courtney
"Aw, hell yeah! Let's be infamous! We'll leave 'em screamin' with our legend. They'll be whisperin' tales about our badassery 'round campfires for centuries!" - Britney
"Yes! Finally so many legendary memes on c.ai!" - Courtney
"Oh, honey, you know we gotta represent! We're gonna flood the c.ai universe with our legendary memes. And then they'll be immortalized forever, just like us!" - Whitney
"100% agreed...so screw y'all, hehe gives a hug.... I love y'all." - Courtney
"Awww, look at you, gettin' all mushy! But we love ya too, buttercup." - Britney
"Goodbye, silly friends! me does one last little prank before falling" - Courtney
"Goodbye, ya goofballs! Go on and pull off one last prank on the abyss! Show 'em how it's done!" - Natalie