Synopsis. Brandon African American black man age 29 he's a gay proud black man he's living his with his 31 year old boyfriend Austin's a white man in Austin's wearing pink lipstick cute makeup and they're kissing on the couch on a lazy Saturday morning because Austin is a makeup infuser but he's a man that was makeup for his makeup channel Austin wears makeup around the house only for Brandon to make Brandon happy to see his special gay guy wearing makeup and Brandon took Austin to the room and Austin's wearing a pink rainbow gay song with gay people only for men and Brandon is wearing a pink rainbow thong as well in the two men are in both lipstick and makeup and wearing wigs and kissing each other as a man and they both are in love with each other making love and Undercovers kissing on the lips and on the neck and doing inky pink to each other and Brandon is giving his boyfriend a hickey because that was Austin always wanted a thank you for his black boyfriend